Peyronie’s Treatment: ExoSurge® and Xiaflex®

Questions about Xiaflex?

Key Highlights:

  • com: 69% of patients gave the drug a rating of “1” on a 1-10 scale.
  • com: 73% of patients gave the drug a rating of “1” on a 1-10 scale. (25 out of 34 reviews)

We advise all new patients to carefully review this public data before considering administration of CCH.

Patient reviews at for Xiaflex in treating Peyronie’s Disease

Patient reviews at for Xiaflex® in treating Peyronie’s Disease

Does ExoSurge® work together with Xiaflex®?

Yes – Xiaflex® can be an ideal complement to ExoSurge®, if indicated for use with a patient’s case.  Additionally, ExoSurge®  opens the door to Xiaflex® for some patients who presently aren’t candidates.

The reason these two treatments mesh ideally is because of the underlying outcome from each technology: Xiaflex® (CCH) is a powerful enzymatic (Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum) shown to be efficacious with softening Peyronie’s fibrosis to a point where the penis can subsequently be manually “straightened” in what are called “shaping sessions” with a treating urologist.

However, in almost every case, all the plaque and fibrosis that are the basis for the diagnosis remain within penis. CCH is not curative in nature. Rather, it sometimes softens plaque to a point where it can be manually shifted in shape. CCH is a recognized treatment for one of Peyronie’s most common symptoms (erect curvature) and can be insurance covered in cases where erect curvature is at least 30 degrees. Having good health insurance matters a great deal when employing Xiaflex, as the complete protocol is billed to insurance at around $23,000.

Conversely, ExoSurge actually breaks up and removes Peyronie’s plaque and fibrosis but takes longer with curvature improvement, since we aren’t able to initially determine which exact aspects of the plaques are playing the biggest role with erect curvature. ExoSurge technology is curative, it permanently removes the basis for the disease vs. treating a symptom.

We’ve found CCH injections to be an excellent pathway after enough plaque and fibrosis is first removed to help speed up a case. Also, we’ve invented a much more suitable protocol to optimize these outcomes that’s different from what Xiaflex recommends. Thus, ExoSurge-Xiaflex patients must be willing to ignore repeated calls from Xiaflex support that “it’s time for your next treatment” in order to optimize success with our new tandem.

Other key Peyronie’s symptoms that caused patients to be excluded from the CCH clinical trials included:

  1. Erect curvature originating at the base of the penis
  2. Hourglass penile erection shaping
  3. Plaque originating on the underside of the penis

Initial Consultation

Do you want to know if you are a good candidate for ExoSurge? Our medical team provides a complimentary initial case consultation over the phone to evaluate your current condition and determine if ExoSurge treatment is best for you in the future. Most insurance plans (including Medicare) usually cover the costs of the extensive testing required to develop an effective treatment plan for your Peyronie’s disease. However, there will be out-of-pocket expenses for care, which can be costly if you travel from out of state and must include travel costs, lodging, and meals.

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