Discover the very best surgical and non-surgical penis enlargement procedures
We provide more paths to a bigger you than all our competitors combined
Questions & Answers
Getting the Answers you Need
Because of the vast range of procedures Rejuvall provides, we break up Q&A by basic category to help you get answers you’re seeking, including:
- Penile Length
- Penile Thickness
- LifeSize Procedures (Enlargements for overweight patients)
- Non-Surgical
What is a Penis Enlargement Procedure?
A penile enlargement procedure is any surgical or non-surgical medical technique that results in a larger penis. Some are meant to endure a lifetime, while others are just meant to be temporary.
Some people prefer artificial dermal fillers or implants, while others prefer an all-natural version. Some increase length, while others increase thickness, and a few increases both.
There’s a lot to think about. There is only one penis in every man’s body. Take your time when conducting your research.
Many penis enlargement reviews are purchased and paid for similarly to Amazon products. The Phalloboards, the world’s only penile enhancement review website maintained completely by patients, is a good place to start learning about all the dirty little secrets.
What should you do if you’re just getting started?
At the Phalloboards, you’ll read and discover most everything about male enlargement.
Penile Length Q&A
Unlike penile girth, which primarily limited by how much you can add in a single treatment, the length of your penis is determined by your organ’s hereditary size. If we increased the length of the penile shaft beyond that metric, the extra length would be “floppy” around and unable to penetrate a partner. Rejuvall’s MegaMAXL penile lengthening technology is able to bring some of the penis organ you currently have inside your body outward and usually delivers an extra 1-2 inches of penile length. With our MegaMAXL operation, we guarantee a one-inch improvement in the flaccid length of a patient’s penis.
Unfortunately, you are unable to do so.
Your penis, unlike a female breast (which is a sweat gland), is a human organ with genetically predetermined penile organ tissue proportions. You can’t go to a surgeon and ask to have your “heart 30 percent bigger or your kidneys 20 percent bigger”.
If we used donor tissue from your inner thigh to transplant a new and larger penile shaft that was three inches longer than your penile organ, the extra three inches would hang floppy at the end and be unable to penetrate your partner.
The good news is that since thickness is not limited by the size of your organ, you can usually add a good bit in that regard. The limitations on increased girth include:
- How much you can safely add at one time. Some bulking agents are prone to clump if you add too much too quickly. If you transfer too much fat tissue in a single procedure, almost all the transplanted cells will die and the procedure will fail
- Aesthetic limits: when patients add a substantial amount of thickness, the proportion of the penile shaft to the glans changes. Going too far can be aesthetically undesirable. Moderation that gets you where you want is key.
No, it does not.
We discuss in our penile girth section regarding how increasing girth often shortens a penis, at least visually from displacement. Thus, some of the length added during a PermMAXL gets lost from increased thickness.
We usually end up with one about one inch of new penile length and one inch more of thickness however we can’t guarantee the one-inch length increase with a PermMAXL. This is particularly true with a PermMAXL where the increased thickness ends up exceeding one inch.
No, we’ve tested it and don’t believe it works in terms of increasing penile length. Only certain sections of the upper suspensory ligaments can be accessed through the scrotum. Thus, in our opinion you can’t even be sure you’ll be able to incise of all of the top ligaments if you enter through the scrotum and there is absolutely no means to access the deep ligaments. If you don’t release all of the ligaments (fundiform, suspensory and deep ligaments), you won’t be able to stretch the corpora organ efficiently following surgery, which is an important part of penile lengthening.
Unfortunately, in our opinion there is no way to increase penile length without leaving a scar. For what it’s worth, the scar that remains after a hernia operation is nearly identical to the one that remains after a hernia operation. This is how a lot of men explain away their scars.
If you’re considering this method, you should inquire about the amount of increased length they guarantee from the process.
One of the most emotionally taxing responsibilities we have is interacting with individuals who have decreased penis length after receiving a prosthetic penile implant.
The angst from loss of length can sometimes be attributed to the patient’s urologist failing to warn them prior to surgery that they commonly lose one half to one inch in length. Years ago when prosthetics first launched, attempts to avoid losing penile length after an implant resulted in problem rates of over 25%. It just cannot be done in a safe manner.
Unfortunately, I some instances, we encounter patients who lost 2-4 inches of penile length following installation of a prosthesis.
How does such a nightmare happen?
Reimbursements for prosthetic implants are at an all-time low and surgical facilities only allow a certain amount of time to perform each case. If a surgeon encounters a more challenging circumstance, we’re finding that the urologist just wraps up what’s required for the case.
In most instances, there’s nothing that can ever be done to restore the lost length. We can only increase penile thickness and improve rigidity of the glans. Insurance does not cover such augmentation as it’s considered an elective procedure.
Traditional penile lengthening techniques of cutting ligaments, we feel, do not add penile length. In fact, we’ve seen cases when men’s penile length has decreased. In each of our MegaMAXL 6:1 p
enile lengthening procedure, we undertake six different surgical techniques. The majority of the less expensive
versions terminate after our first step.
Nobody else offers penile lengthening like we do. As a result, we guarantee at least one inch of extra length. We believe most surgeons who claim to increase penile length by releasing the fundiform and suspensory ligaments really end up adding “zero” length.
If they say they’ll get you one inch or two inches, we recommend asking for at least a half inch guarantee.
In our opinion, certain enhancement surgeons use the claim that “ligaments reattached” as an excuse for why their patient didn’t attain penile length because the patient can’t verify that didn’t happen. As previously stated, we do not believe that cutting of the fundiform and suspensory ligaments adds length in any case.
We’ll need to first examine you in person to see what we can do to help you with your case. We frequently encounter significant scar tissue as a result of a botched surgery. This makes increasing length more difficult. However, we can usually make things better.
No, there are some cases we can’t guarantee one inch of improvement, including:
Patients aged 62 and up. The majority of guys are aware that their penis shrinks as they get older. Regardless of physical health, the pliability of the sponge-like property of the corpora begins to deteriorate after the age of 60. While Rejuvall has been able to add more than an inch to the length of males as old as 80, adding an inch to the length of men as young as 60 has proven problematic. We’ve drawn a line at 62 years old on our guaranteed length based on all of these experiences.
Patients who have previously had a penile prosthesis implanted for severe erectile dysfunction. If the implant is still inside, there’s nothing Rejuvall can do to enhance length. However, when a prosthesis is removed and before a new implant is installed, we can sometimes improve length.
Patients with congenital penile abnormalities, such as hypospadias or congenital curvature, affect patients (chordee). Despite the fact that hypospadias procedures influenced the development of our lengthening technology, there is only so much we can do in these situations. Also, some hypospadias cases cannot be treated at Rejuvall’s outpatient center and must be treated in a hospital.
Patients who have previously had a silicone implant augmentation. In these cases, our major goal is usually to restore the patient’s length to where it was before to the implant insertion and removal.
Patients suffering from Peyronie’s illness. This approach does not correct curvature or lost solves. Patients suffering from fibrosis and scar tissue in the penis’ soft tissues. We’ve had success increasing length after non-surgical plaque removal, but each case must be evaluated individually.
Patients Having the Rejuvall PermMAXL procedure performed. The PermMAXL technique from Rejuvall is one of our most popular because it combines all-natural penile length and thickness into a single surgery. Due to the associated complexity, we cannot guarantee a one-inch length enhancement with this treatment. We normally gain at least an inch, although this isn’t always the case.
Patients who have had a penile lengthening operation in the past. In these situations, we never really know what we’re getting ourselves into. Even when a patient describes what happened in the past, what we find on the inside does not necessarily match what they say.
Patients with micro-penis. Weight increase or vascular/ED disorders can cause a reduction in penile size, which is sometimes mistaken for micro-penis. Everything (both inside and out) is smaller in micropenis, so we have a lot less organ tissue to work with right away. We can usually extract an extra inch of length from a micropenis with Rejuvall, but we can’t promise it.
Patients who are overweight and have an engorged fat pad. Obese patients with an engorged fat pad should consider one of our innovative LifeSize treatments, which combine surgical reduction of the suprapubic fat pad, lower stomach reduction and contouring, and a lengthening procedure. The length locking technology that keeps the new length in place does not work if we merely do length on these patients without fat pad removal and contouring.
We wouldn’t be able to execute a surgery that causes your penis to point directly downward when you’re erect if you provided us $10 million. Medically, it’s impossible. The term “pointing down” was coined by cosmetic surgeons who aren’t board qualified and hence can’t undertake penile lengthening procedures.
On average, your erect angle drops ten degrees with a MegaMAXL6:1. Rejuvall includes a last step that reinforces the tissue at the base of the penis to decrease the modest shift in erect angle and concerns with “looseness” that can occur after a ligament release as part of penile lengthening.
Your surgeon may have used fat tissue transplantation to help shore up the extra length. Within 90-120 days of the operation, fat tissue implanted in this part of the penis degrades and dies.
We can get you longer if your reduction wasn’t caused by significant scar tissue from a botched treatment. Before scheduling any operation, we require that you come into our office for a hands-on evaluation.
Everything on the inside is smaller in Micropenis cases: the tendon, the internal penis organ, and so on. This is one of the reasons we stipple the supporting framework to make room for more penis organ.
We cannot guarantee exact length results with Micropenis, but we feel we offer the most significant boost anyone can or will obtain anywhere on the planet.
Penis Thickness Q&A
Transplanted fat tissue needs a lot of blood flow to stay alive. The body does not recognize the transplant for 72 hours after surgery and consequently receives no blood flow (which is why we employ our Affirmall technology before your procedure).
The fat tissue is placed in the layers of subcutaneous tissue that surround the penis organ. Only tiny capillaries supply blood to the subcutaneous tissue area, which has essentially no veins or arteries. As a result, the success window for blood flow is particularly small.
Cigarette smoking reduces blood flow. It will result in the failure of a fat tissue transplant. We don’t try any procedures that we think might go wrong. A successful fat tissue transplant cannot be achieved by “cutting down” to one or two smokes per day. It is doomed to fail. You don’t want to squander any money on this route to a thicker penis if you can’t entirely quit smoking for at least six months (three months before and three months after your surgery). It will all fade away after six months, making a non-surgical girth enlargement using Juvéderm Voluma or Bellafill a considerably better value.
When most patients finally decide to go ahead with an enlargement procedure, they typically feel compelled to get as big as possible as quickly as feasible.
That’s a nightmare that’s asking to come true. Select girth bulking agents mean you can’t go another direction in the future. Others have a finish some men don’t find appealing. Thus, the first thing we strongly advise is start with an agent that doesn’t hinder any future options.
The thickness of the penile organ is enhanced by adding a bulking substance to the subcutaneous tissue layers that surround it. The subcutaneous layers in the image are rather small to start. To secure a positive outcome, you can only add so much at once.
Human skin and tissue are extremely stretchy, which is great news. The pliability of fat tissue and skin can be seen in the size changes of women’s buttocks throughout time. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to expand safely.
Given enough time for the skin to extend between procedures, you can theoretically add practically infinite quantities of penile thickness. The amount of penile width you can add during a single treatment has limits. The most you can safely increase your girth is one inch at a time. Unfortunately, expanding width beyond a certain point might make the penis appear unusual because the width proportion in relation to the glans (head of the penis) becomes out of alignment. It can also change the appearance of a circumcised penis into an uncircumcised one in extreme situations. Because of the increased response from intimate partners, some guys are fine with this development. Others don’t think it’s attractive.
To compensate for the alterations in proportion, you can have a glans enlargement, although they don’t last long. Because the glans houses your “orgasmic” nerve endings, you must be very careful what you put anything there. Enhancing a penis that can’t attain climax negates the purpose of the effort, doesn’t it? There are no permanent bulking agents that are regarded safe for the glans at this time.
Dermal grafts are a type of surgical penile thickness enhancement that involves the implantation of a new layer of outer dermal tissue to improve girth. Dermal grafts for penile augmentation are not available at Rejuvall. We don’t think the outcomes, cost, or long-term results are a winning combination.
In the past, we’ve done dermal grafts. Dermal grafts have certain desirable features, such as the more natural stiffness of the shaft skin while erect.
Why Don’t We Provide Dermal Grafts for Penile Augmentation?
There are two main reasons why we do not now offer dermal grafts for penile enlargement.
- The Value Proposition isn’t Appealing: A patient can get up to half an inch of more thickness from a dermal transplant. If you want a thicker penis, you can’t add more later. A fat tissue transplant cannot be added on top of it. We discovered that most guys like to increase penile thickness by more than a half inch. Similarly, we find that some patients are unsure of whether thickness is appropriate for them early on. Do you remember our number one tip from our list of “Keys to a Successful Penile Girth Enlargement”? Keep your choices open. We believe that these treatments do not result in a significant increase in girth and limit future alternatives.
- Long-Term Resilience of Biologic and Synthetic Dermal Tissue Issues: Transplanted dermis tissue ages and contracts at a different rate than our own tissue over time. When you think about it, it’s logical. Is your facial skin the same as it was seven years ago when you glance in the mirror? Did your best friend’s skin alter in the same way that yours did? We’ve had a several individuals who had cadaver skin transplants come to our facility for shaft unevenness treatment and we’ve found them to be better than manmade versions. Even the highest grade synthetic dermal grafts, according to clinical research for burn sufferers, will begin to show alterations within a decade, with some showing changes in as little as five years.
Repairing morphed dermal grafts usually necessitates surgery. We don’t think this particular set of circumstances is appealing.
No, and we never will.
However, we are one of the leading clinics for guys who need repair after such enhancements.
Silicone, whether through black market injections or FDA-approved forms, is, in our opinion, the absolute worst product for anything related to penile augmentation. Some people are drawn to injectable liquid versions because of its inexpensive cost and lengthy life.
In contrast to injected PMMA, which can be softened chemically or surgically removed if you’re unsatisfied with the results, injected silicone remains in your body for the rest of your life. If you start with silicone, you won’t be able to switch to another type of penile girth enlargement — you’ll be trapped. Finally, because silicone limits the view of ultrasonic sonography, a urologist will never be able to evaluate your inner penile health if the necessity arises. Remember that the term “life-lasting” can also refer to your ability to deal with challenges for the rest of your life.
A silicone implant to enlarge a penis, we believe, is also a bad choice. Manufacturers of penile prosthetic implants for severe erectile dysfunction tried this decades ago to keep the penile length the same as before the prosthesis was installed. They noticed that this resulted in an unacceptably high number of cases of infection, as well as many men developing a fibrotic buildup at the base of their organ (a side effect of intense sexual intimacy) and, in some cases, serious Peyronie’s disease.
Female silicone implants for breast augmentation live comfortably on the rib cage. Between intercourse and masturbation, a penis’ journey is significantly more aggressive. In our judgment, the risks and drawbacks significantly exceed the benefits.
We advise new patients tart with procedures that provide them the most options in the event that they change their minds later.
As a result, we don’t advise a newbie to use the only FDA-approved PMMA product (Bellafill). Once PMMA is injected into the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the penis organ, other potential future girth enhancing options such as a Fat Tissue Transplant or Dermal Graft Transplant are no longer viable options because PMMA permanently reduces the amount of blood available in the outer shaft tissue to support any type of transplant. Also, as previously said, it prevents a urologist from using duplex Doppler ultrasound technology to examine within your penis in the event you suffer a penile health event in the future or need PGE injections to improve function as you age.
A penis that has been thickened beyond its natural proportions appears unnatural. Some of those photos were taken right after an operation, so there is some swelling that will subside in a few months.
We offer girth procedures for men of all sizes, shapes, and health conditions, as well as non-surgical options.
However, we discovered two sorts of guys who will not have a positive outcome if they begin with a penile thickening surgery.
A patient who has an engorged suprapubic fat pad covering a visible section of his flaccid penis shaft is not a good candidate for penile thickening as a first treatment. It will visually shorten the broader penis, sometimes significantly. In such cases, one of our LifeSize processes is the best place to start.
A patient with a Micropenis diagnosis is usually not a good candidate for girth expansion to begin with. While it does not actually shorten the penile as much as it does in obese patients, it usually provides the impression that it is. For such patients, we believe a penile lengthening operation is the best option. After first properly maximizing their length, a micropenis patient can increase girth.
Our ground-breaking Affirmall technology offers the most viable fat tissue transplant accessible. In addition, patients must get crucial pre- and post-surgery care. Those who do not adhere to their treatment plan do not get the same level of success as those who do.
Our average loss from fat transplantation is 37%. To compensate for this loss, we collect and implant 50 percent more than is required.
After the post-surgical swelling reduces, which can take up to four months after a surgical girth surgery, some patients feel they’ve “lost it completely.” An examination generally indicates that they still have one inch of thickness; they had become accustomed to seeing 2 inches of additional thickness and imagined that was what would happen. We’ve discovered that attempting to transplant enough to achieve such a big girth gain will result in failure. Six months to a year after the first treatment, a second procedure can be performed to add thickness.
Our fat tissue transplants are usually successful. It’s all-natural, long-lasting, and you can switch to another process at any time.
Our specialist is regarded as one of the world’s best penile reconstruction surgeons. According to him, there are over 30 potential ways a girth-enhanced uncircumcised penis can go horribly wrong. Several of these outcomes have the potential to be disastrous.
It is not secure. We’re not going to do it. We strongly discourage patients from taking this route.
The majority of circumcisions are performed by the delivering physician shortly after birth. Infancy circumcisions are conducted by drawing the foreskin away from the glans and cutting away the superfluous skin along the penile shaft for the sake of speed.
If your circ was performed shortly after birth, you will notice a “lighter” toned skin coloration in the area closest to the glans (head) of your penis either flaccid or erect. Because it was originally located beneath the outer foreskin before that was clipped away, the “inner prepuce” has a less dense and durable dermis than regular penile shaft skin.
The Problem: A Scar Line That Isn’t Visible
When an incision into the epidermis is made, a scar emerges during the healing process. The scar from deep incisions is frequently visible on the surface of the skin. The scar becomes imperceptible with minor incisions, such as those used during a newborn circumcision, although it persists beneath the skin.
Until the advent of penile girth enlargements, none of this usually mattered. Sexual performance and sensitivity are unaffected by the prepuce skin in the distal region of the penile shaft.
In roughly 20% of individuals undergoing a penile girth enlargement, we noticed that infancy circ scar lines impede the healing process. The length of recuperation time is determined by how deep the circ was cut into the tissue surrounding the penis organ by the delivering physician.
Unfortunately, an infant circumcision cannot be reversed, and we have no way of knowing the depth of the original incision before an expansion.
As a result, it’s something we’ve learned to navigate throughout girth enlargement operations, but it can take patience and devotion on the side of the patient to follow prescribed aftercare practices or return to our clinic for follow-up visits.
Three possible causes of delayed healing along the Circ Scar Line
- Obstruction of lymphatic drainage
When the residual circumcision scar line is deep enough to create a barrier that prevents post-surgical swelling fluids from easily entering the area behind the circ scar line, it is the most common hindrance to healing from an infantile circ. In essence, the scar line obstructs the lymphatic drainage that is required for optimal healing.
Between the circ line and the glans, this ailment commonly manifests as a “pinched” narrow line around the penile shaft. A thick neck area around the glans is often caused by trapped fluid from swelling that can’t be efficiently reabsorbed into the body.
Non-surgical enhancements from a thicker circ scar line are usually easier to resolve than surgical thickening methods due to the fact that non-surgical techniques result in less swelling. It’s also why we insist on starting with 10ML of the chosen dermal filler during the initial session, so we can condition the inner prepuce. This is especially true with agents like PMMA and Radiesse because the subsequent inflammatory that results in the formation of long-lasting level III collogen can cause substantial edema when used in higher doses.
- Circumferential Scar Line: Fat necrosis gets trapped behind the scar line.
A fat tissue transplant is precisely what it sounds like. To make the penis naturally thicker, healthy, living adipose fat cells are extracted from a specific area and transplanted to the outer layers of the penis.
We collect “extra” fat cells in case some of the transplanted fat cells don’t make it through the relocation process (We typically lose about 35 percent ).
Fat cells that have died beneath the circ scar line are normally reabsorbed quickly by the body. Fat cells that die above the circ scar line, on the other hand, might get stuck and unable to reabsorb, resulting in palpable lumps known as fat necrosis (dead fat cells). We can remove them but it require follow up procedures.
- Inadequate blood flow in the inner prepuce
The residual scar from an infant circumcision not only prevents swelling fluids from entering the penis in a healthy manner, but it also prevents blood from flowing within the inner prepuce in some cases (when the incision was cut more deeply and penetrated the Tunica Dartos or Bucks Fascia), meaning that transplanted tissue with a FTT can’t absorb any nutrients required to stay alive.
With a FTT, we transplant living adipose fat cells to the outer layers of your penis, as previously mentioned. Those transplanted cells will most likely perish if they can’t get critical nutrients for living since their capillaries were damaged during a baby circumcision.
Unfortunately, because the scar isn’t visible from the outside, we can’t tell which guys will have substantial issues from a circumcision scar prior to an enlargement treatment.
Resolving infant circumcision scar lines healing concerns
Rejuvall offers both at-home and in-office solutions for disturbed healing caused by a deeper circumcision scar line than usual in children.
Please follow your provider’s recommendations for healing and make time for in-office follow-up appointments if they are requested.
Penis Enlargement for Overweight Men Q&A
That is a poor decision, and your enlargement will fail.
Excess belly fat puts pressure on the base of the penis back, towards the anus, where it originally originates. Even with our LengthLock technology, this pressure will prevent the release and retention of penile length.
We frequently encounter larger individuals who have had their girth increased by another doctor but have lost length as a result. A penile organ has a limited amount of space inside and surrounding it. The penis draws inward due to an engorged fat pad. If you expand penile girth without addressing the extra weight, your penis will withdraw even more, necessitating surgery to get you back to where you started.
The space between the layers of subcutaneous tissue that surround the penis organ is limited. Excess fat migrates throughout the lower stomach sector, even engulfing the scrotal area entirely, however it does not migrate to the penile shaft.
The corpora sponges of the penile organ are surrounded by a thin layer of fat. Fat from your suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach is unable to migrate to the thin fat layers that surround your penis.
Many overweight guys believe they have micro penis since their penis has shrunk visibly as a result of their weight gain.
Micro penis, on the other hand, is a genetically predisposed condition in which the penis organ and accompanying components are significantly smaller than typical at birth (two inches or less when erect)
The reduced penis in LifeSize patients is a side effect of obesity, which causes the penis to appear as a micro penis.
Patients restore their typical genetically predisposed penile size once the issues are surgically corrected.
A surgical girth enhancement requires transplanting living adipose cells to an area with very little blood flow. The degree of edema triggered by the fat reduction procedures will cause that procedure to fail.
Injectable girth will not stabilize when first injected and release into the lower penis from the lengthening procedure. We’ve tried all these approaches and they fail.
If your weight gain is out of proportion to your height, bariatric surgery is a wonderful method to start improving your life.
The biggest danger to your penis from carrying too much weight is that the body begins to reabsorb the skin of the penile shaft over time. As a result, the penis will remain small even if the excess weight is eliminated or surgically removed. A penile shaft transplant, in which donor tissue (typically removed from the inner thigh) is transplanted to the penis organ, is the only technique to restore penile shaft function.
This surgery is exceedingly expensive and has a significant recovery time. Anything you can do to keep your penile shaft skin from deteriorating is usually a wise and healthy investment.
RejuvallLite® Non-Surgical Enlargement Procedures Q&A
The biggest appeal is there’s no cutting, stitches, or anesthesia on almost all RejuvallLite procedures (PermaLite does involve a minor incision). That means there’s very little downtime associated with RejuvallLite options.
All RejuvallLite procedures are performed with our proprietary MacroSculptingÔ technology which means no canula is used, resulting in faster healing and less risk of unevenness.
Additionally, RejuvallLite® non-surgical enhancements are usually the least restrictive in terms of any pre-existing health conditions or lifestyle contraindications.
You can, for example, continue to smoke cigarettes or have a raised A1C diabetes score and still undergo most RejuvallLite® operations. (PermaLite processes are the only exception in this regard.)
The only “macro” prerequisite: All penile thickening techniques (surgical and non-surgical) require the patient be circumcised
The requirements for each of our non-surgical enhancement techniques are as follows:
Circumcision is required for a DermaThick
SemiPerma Requirements: Must be circumcised
RestYLite Requirements: Must be circumcised
BellaThick Requirements
- No allergies to cattle products
- We don’t normally propose this method to first-time augmentation patients because it restricts future options.
Requirements for PermaLite
Circumcision is required.
If you have diabetes, your A1C must be less than 7.
Cigarettes are not permitted. Before the operation, you must have been smoke-free for at least 90 days.
MEGAGlans Requirements: Circumcision
We provide girth operations for men of all sizes, shapes, and health conditions, as well as non-surgical options.
However, we discovered two type of patients who usually will not have a positive outcome if they begin with a penile thickening surgery.
First are men with a significantly engorged suprapubic fat pad at the base of the penis and second is patients with a micropenis diagnosis.
Simply increasing penile girth in the former situation either exacerbates the effects of a partially hidden penis or makes a small penis appear even shorter. They must first be contoured and lengthened.
A patient who has been diagnosed with Micropenis is unlikely to benefit much if starting with a girth enlargement. While it does not actually shorten the penile, as it does in overweight people, it usually provides the impression that it is.
In such circumstances, we believe that a penile lengthening operation is the ideal place to start. After properly maximizing their length, a micropenis patient can consider more girth. Additionally, the increased length will cause a follow-up girth procedure to end up even bigger.
You certainly can.
Because of its inexpensive startingcost, many men begin with DermaThick H/A injections to “test out” what a penis enlargement will be like in their lives. After that, clients can choose from any of the RejuvallLite non-surgical upgrades.
Bellafill’s FDA-approved PMMA injections are the only roadblock to future possibilities. A fat-tissue transplant cannot be added to a BellaThickening operation later. Bellafill can, ironically, be used on top of any fat tissue transplant to add thickness or smooth out an unsatisfactory location.
Extra blood flow is required for both surgical and non-surgical fat tissue transplant techniques to ensure success. Such blood flow will be blocked by PMMA. However, if you think you’ll want to transition to a FTT route in the future, we recommend starting with hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers.
Any dermal filler injected into the subcutaneous tissue around the penis organ can cause some unevenness inside the penile shaft, especially after the initial injection. SemiPermÔ with MacroSculptingÔ application technology from Rejuvall produces fewer abnormalities and requires considerably less aftercare to obtain optimal results than competitor cannula-based alternatives. The patient is usually the only one who notices such irregularities. As the tissue becomes more comfortable with additional hyaluronic acid in the area, most issues with unevenness are entirely cured during a supplemental operation.
Procedure for Touch-Up Injections
You have up to 60 days following your SemiPerm to arrange treatment of up to 2 ML of supplemental Juvéderm® Voluma to level the region in for just the cost of the filling agent, which is $450 per ML, if a post-procedure irregularity undermines your self-confidence.
Procedure for Supplemental Injection
If you schedule your supplemental operation within 60 days of your initial SemiPerm and want to correct unevenness as well as increase the girth of your penis and/or enlarge the glans, we’ll give you $500 off the price of a 5 or 10 ML JuvaFlowÔ enhancement surgery.
Transplanted fat tissue need a lot of blood flow to keep alive. The body does not recognize the transplant for 72 hours following surgery and consequently receives no blood flow (which is why we employ our Affirmall technology before your procedure).
The fat tissue is implanted into the layers of subcutaneous tissue that surround the penis organ. Only tiny capillaries supply blood to the subcutaneous tissue area, which has essentially no veins or arteries. As a result, the blood flow success window is particularly small.
Cigarette smoking reduces blood flow. It will result in the failure of a fat tissue transplant. We don’t do anything that we think might go wrong. A successful fat tissue transplant cannot be achieved by “cutting down” to one or two smokes per day. It is doomed. You don’t want to squander any money on this route to a thicker penis if you can’t entirely quit smoking for at least six months (three months before and three months after your surgery). It will all fade away after six months, making a non-surgical girth enlargement using Juvéderm Voluma or Bellafill a considerably better value.
When most patients finally decide to go ahead with a penile augmentation, they frequently feel pushed to go as big as possible as quickly as feasible.
That’s a nightmare just waiting to happen.
Select girth bulking agents might cause a change in outer penile texture, which some men dislike. You can simply change your optimal course if you start cautiously.
The thickness of the penile organ is expanded by adding a bulking substance to the subcutaneous tissue layers that surround it. The subcutaneous layers in the image are quite tiny. To secure a positive outcome, you can only add so much at the start.
Human skin and tissue are extremely stretchy, which is great news. The pliability of adipose tissue and skin can be seen in the size changes of women’s buttocks throughout time. Unfortunately, it takes time to expand safely.
Given enough time for the skin to extend between surgeries, you can eventually add practically infinite quantities of penile thickness. The amount of penile width you can add at one time is the limit. You can safely increase your girth by one inch at a time. Unfortunately, expanding width beyond a certain point might make the penis appear unusual because the width proportion in relation to the glans (head of the penis) becomes out of alignment. It can also change the appearance of a circumcised penis into an uncircumcised one in extreme situations. Because of the increased response from intimate partners, some guys are fine with this development. Others do not think it is attractive.
A glans augmentation can be done to compensate for the alterations in proportion, but they don’t stay long. Because the glans houses your “orgasmic” nerve endings, you must be very careful what you put there. Enhancing a penis that can’t attain climax negates the purpose of the effort, doesn’t it? There are no permanent bulking agents that are regarded safe for the glans at this time.
NO, we don’t.
However, we are one of the leading clinics for guys needing repair after a silicone-based enlargement.
Silicone, whether through black market injections or FDA-approved forms, is, in our opinion, the absolute worst product for anything related to penile augmentation. Some people are drawn to injectable liquid versions because of its inexpensive cost and lengthy life.
In contrast to injected PMMA, which can be chemically softened or surgically removed if you’re unsatisfied with the results, injected silicone remains in your body for the rest of your life. If you start with silicone, you won’t be able to switch to another sort of penile girth enlargement — you’ll be trapped. Finally, because silicone limits the view of ultrasonic sonography, a urologist will never be able to evaluate your inner penile health if the necessity arises. Remember that life-lasting can also refer to your ability to deal with challenges for the rest of your life.
A silicone implant to enlarge the penis, we believe, is also a bad idea. Manufacturers of penile prosthesis implants for severe erectile dysfunction tried this decades ago to maintain the original penile length. They noticed that this resulted in an unacceptably high number of cases of infection, as well as many men developing a fibrotic buildup at the base of their organ (a side effect of intense sexual intimacy) and, in some cases, serious Peyronie’s disease.
Female silicone implants for breast augmentation live comfortably on the rib cage. Between intercourse and masturbation, a penis’ journey is significantly more aggressive. In our judgment, the risks and drawbacks significantly exceed the benefits.
We highly advise all new patients to start with procedures that provide them the most future options in the event that they change their minds later.
As a result, we don’t advise a newbie to use the only FDA-approved PMMA product (Bellafill). Once PMMA is injected into the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the penis organ, other potential future girth enhancing options such as a Fat Tissue Transplant or Dermal Graft Transplant are no longer viable options because PMMA permanently reduces the amount of blood available in the outer shaft tissue to support any type of transplant. Also, as previously stated, it prevents a urologist from using duplex Doppler ultrasound technology to examine within your penis in the event you suffer a future penile health incident or require PGE injections to improve function as you age.
Our surgeon is regarded as one of the world’s best penile reconstruction surgeons. According to him, there are over 30 distinct things that can go wrong with an uncircumcised girth enlarged penis. Several of these consequences have the potential to be disastrous.
It is not secure. We’re not going to do it. We strongly discourage patients from taking this route.
A deeper than typical scar line left behind from a circumcision performed shortly after birth can cause delayed healing in some situations. This problem affects roughly 20% of men who have had a surgical girth enlargement, but it also afflicts about 5% of men who have a non-surgical girth augmentation.
The majority of circumcisions are performed by the delivering physician shortly after birth. Infancy circumcisions are performed by drawing the foreskin away from the glans and cutting away the superfluous skin along the penile shaft to save time.
You will usually notice a “lighter” toned skin coloration in the area closest to the glans (head) of your penis either flaccid or erect. Because it was originally located beneath the outer foreskin before that was clipped away, the inner prepuce has a less dense and durable dermis than regular penile shaft skin.
The Problem: A Scar Line That Isn’t Visible
A scar always forms when an incision is made into the epidermis and heals. The scar from deep incisions is frequently visible on the surface of the skin. Minor incisions, such as those used during a baby circumcision, hide the scar, but it remains beneath the skin.
Until the advent of penile girth enlargements, none of this usually mattered. Sexual performance and sensitivity are unaffected by the prepuce skin in the distal region of the penile shaft, although some men report pain in the area after frequent sex or masturbation.
In roughly 20% of individuals undergoing a penile girth enlargement, we noticed that infancy circ scar lines impede the healing process. The length of recuperation time is determined by how deep the circ was cut into the tissue surrounding the penis organ by the delivering physician.
Unfortunately, a baby circumcision cannot be reversed, and we have no means of knowing the depth of the original incision prior to expansion.
As a result, it’s something we’ve learned to manage throughout girth enlargement operations, but it can take patience and devotion on the side of the patient to follow prescribed aftercare practices or return to our clinic for follow-up visits.
Three possible causes of delayed healing along the Circ Scar Line
- Lymphatic drainage obstruction
When the residual circumcision scar line is large enough to produce a barrier that prevents post-surgical swelling fluids from easily exiting the area behind the circ scar line, it is the most common hindrance to healing from an infantile circ. The scar line obstructs lymphatic drainage, which is important for proper recovery.
Between the circ line and the glans, this ailment commonly manifests as a “pinched” narrow line around the penile shaft. A thick neck area surrounding the glans is often caused by trapped fluid from swelling that can’t be efficiently reabsorbed into the body.
Non-surgical enhancements from a thicker circ scar line are usually easier to resolve than surgical thickening methods due to the fact that non-surgical techniques result in less initial swelling. It’s also why we insist on starting with 10ML of the chosen dermal filler during the initial session, so we can condition the inner prepuce. This is especially true with PMMA, because the bulking agent triggers an inflammatory response that creates more size within 4-8 weeks after the procedure.
- Fat necrosis trapped beyond scar line.
(Only relates to PermaLite procedures) A fat tissue transplant is precisely what it sounds like. To make the penis naturally thicker, healthy, living adipose fat cells are extracted from a specific area and transplanted to the outer layers of the penis.
We collect “extra” fat cells in case some of the transplanted fat cells don’t make it through the relocation process (We typically lose between 30 percent -35 percent ).
Fat cells that have died beneath the circ scar line are usually easily reabsorbed. Fat cells that die above the circ scar line, however, can get stuck and difficult to reabsorb, resulting in palpable lumps known as fat necrosis (dead fat cells).
Resolving infant circumcision scar lines healing concerns
Rejuvall offers both at-home and in-office solutions for disturbed healing caused by a deeper than average circumcision scar line in children.
Please follow your provider’s instructions for healing and make time for appointments if in-office follow-up is required.