Discover the best surgical and non-surgical penile enlargement procedures

We provide more paths to a bigger you than all our competitors combined

Penile Thickness

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Table of Contents

Increased Penis Thickness

  • Surgical and Non-Surgical penile girth solutions
  • Life lasting and semi-permanent options
  • Pathways for all pre-existing health conditions


how to make penis thicker

Rejuvall’s Perm Penile Thickening Advantages

  • The notable advantage of our patented, FDA-cleared PermTM penile thickening technology for fat tissue transplants is that results are life lasting after following prescribed aftercare.
  • Rejuvall’s exclusive Tissue Restructure Technology has changed the game where traditional fat tissue transplants have failed. 
  • Relatively quick recovery compared to our other surgical options: patients usually miss one day of work and 90% of patients can resume sex within four weeks – (10% of patients have 2-3 weeks of edema in penis (fluid buildup in reaction to transplanted tissue – which requires longer recovery
  • Maximized outcome at no additional cost – while most patients can expect a net increase with penile thickness of one inch, the fat transplant surgical options results in additional size if your body can retain it with no added cost since the bulking agent (your own tissue) is cost free.
  • An epidural and IV sedation are used for anesthesia with most patients. No general anesthesia is used, and you are not “put to sleep”. Rather, you’re sedated. Speeding post-surgical recovery and awareness without the risks of general anesthesia.

Rejuvall’s Perm Disadvantages

  • Patient must start with adequate body fat to be a good candidate
  • Enlargement involves minor surgery
  • Patient cannot be over the age of 61 years old
  • Patient must be a non-smoker and not a heavy drinker of alcohol (no more than one alcoholic beverage per day during post-operative care and recovery)

Ask About Enlargement Options

Rejuvall Non-Surgical Penile Girth Enhancements

If you’re not interested in a surgical augmentation or your health diagnosis, age, or lifestyle habits suggest that a surgical enhancement would not achieve good results, we recommend you consider a Rejuvall non-surgical penile enhancement solution.

Rejuvall’s non-surgical Penoplasty procedures are very popular with men for several reasons, including:

  • No cutting, no stitches, no anesthesia—just a bigger you
  • Minimal downtime compared to surgical procedures. You’re able to “walk out” afterwards with minimal discomfort and most patients can resume sexual activity within a week to ten days
  • some patients just aren’t comfortable with the fact anesthesia is necessary for more invasive procedures.
  • 99% of men getting a non-surgical penile augmentation can return to work the day after his enhancement.
  • A non-surgical penile enhancement is a popular way to “try out” an enlargement. Those that love the increased size often evolve to a permanent surgical enhancement further down the line.
  • With a non-surgical enhancement, sexual activity can usually be resumed in about seven days following the augmentation.

Importantly, we don’t administer non-surgical enhancements with a cannula having found that approach causes increased likelihood of “clumping” of the selected penile bulking agent. Rather, we believe the best non-surgical enhancement results are achieved through our breakthrough MacroSculpting technology with FDA-approved dermal fillers within the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the penile organ.

All Rejuvall non-surgical enhancements are performed by a board-certified urologist who completed a residency in plastic surgery. He also earned a PhD in pharmacology. He’s one of the premier urologic surgeons in the world.

bigger penis logo

Looking for improved response with women?

If you’re looking for the biggest bang for buck in terms of improved response with a female partner, you’ll most often find it with increased penile thickness. Particularly if your intimate partner is a mature female.

Why is that?

Women have three spots with orgasmic nerve endings

Men have two areas on their penis with orgasmic nerve endings, both those zones are located within the glans.

Conversely, women have three areas within their vagina with “orgasmic” nerve endings, the areas that trigger orgasmic pleasure.

The most well-known of these is the clitoris which is situated atop the entrance of the vagina. The second is within the Labia Minora, better known as the inner vaginal lips. The final spot with orgasmic nerve endings response is further inside at the cervical wall.

Most women’s cervix is only three to four inches deep within the vagina; thus, you don’t have to be hung like a mule to hit that sweet spot. Beyond that depth, nerve endings only have responsiveness akin to the nerves on your arm if you’re going deeper. 

Thus, stimulation of the remaining two-thirds of hypersensitive tissue within the vagina of a female partner is tied to more thickness.

penile size thickness preference

Women get wider, men become more narrow

What compounds the issue of orgasmic response during intercourse is the fact women’s vagina’s get wider over time from a combination of aging and childbirth, but men’s penises start getting smaller as they mature.

The average female vagina gets 20% to 40% wider by age fifty depending upon the number of children she’s born while a man’s penis doesn’t grow larger to offset this increase. In fact, a variety of conditions trigger a man’s penis to get smaller including aging, weight gain, Peyronie’s disease, declining vascular health, and common erectile dysfunction issues like reduced arterial blood flow to the penis, low testosterone, and venous leakage.

Women prefer thicker

It’s not just clinical analytics driving the message that increased girth is the key to improved sexual response from a woman. Recent medical and psychological studies affirm this notion as well.

A new study finds that women who have frequent vaginal orgasms are more likely than other women to say they climax more easily with men with larger penises. Women who tend to prefer penile-vaginal intercourse over other types of sex also say the same, researchers reported online in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

To study the effect of penis width vs. length on female sexual satisfaction, 50 sexually active female undergraduate students were asked which felt better, was penis width or length more important for their sexual satisfaction. None reported they did not know, or that width and length were equally satisfying. A large majority, 45 of 50, reported width was more critical for sexual satisfaction, as opposed to penis length.

“Male anxiety about penis size may not reflect internalized, culturally arbitrary masculine stereotypes, but an accurate appreciation that size matters to many women — just as men feel legitimate anxiety when they enter the mating market about their intelligence, personality traits, sense of humor, social status, height, wealth, and other traits known to be favored by women across cultures,” study researcher Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of the West of Scotland, told LiveScience.”

average vaginal girth thickness

You can choose what level of thickness you want to achieve. The most obvious limitation on substantial additions to shaft thickness is the change in proportion relative to the glans.  

The medical science behind creating a thicker penis

Enhancement of penile girth is much easier to achieve than adding length. It can be achieved both surgically and non-surgically.

Why is it easier?

Unlike adding penile length, increased thickness faces no contra issues with the actual penile organ.

Regardless of which exact procedure is employed, almost all penile thickening procedures add girth in the same manner, clinically speaking. It’s accomplished by adding a selected bulking agent (often by injection) into the subcutaneous tissue layers that surround the penile organ.

penile girth thickening erection photo

What’s the Subcutaneous Tissue Layers?

If you reach down and feel of your penis when flaccid, you’ll feel a thick distinguishable form in the middle. That thicker palpable portion is your erect organ tissue which resembles a very thick sponge if you observed it outside of your body. On the underside is the urethra where we urinate and procreate that’s encased by a smaller sheath of erect sponge tissue.

The “softness” you observe outside the penile organ mass includes the tunica albuginea (a sheath that encases the organ tissue), veins and arteries, the subcutaneous fat tissue layer (the part that matters to a girth enhancement) and the outer shaft skin.

Adding Thickness to the Subcutaneous Penile Tissue Layers

The secret to increasing the thickness of a penis organ is to add a selected bulking agent to the layers of subcutaneous tissue that encase the penile organ.

You’ll notice from the illustration above that the subcutaneous layer doesn’t start as a very large aspect of the penis. The good news is that its components (epidermis-skin and very small amount of tissue) are stretchable (think women’s buttocks over time).

Thus, the trick is targeting the amount of thickness you’d like, choosing a bulking agent for your penis, making certain the chosen bulking agent is safe and appropriate for your penis, and then methodically achieving your penile girth goal.

how to measure penis girth

How does your penile thickness compare to other men?

Let’s start with the basics: how thick are you now?

All you need to measure your existing penile thickness is a soft vinyl tape measuring device. If you don’t already have one, you can alternatively employ a piece of string and use a marker to indicate the varied flaccid and erect girth measurements. Subsequently you can lay the string along a straight ruler to tally your penile thickness.

  1. Gently wrap the vinyl tape or string around the thickest aspect of your penile shaft
  2. Make note where the tape end meets or mark your string. This is your flaccid thickness.
  3. Masturbate to whatever gets you going quickly
  4. Repeat the measuring process to garner your erect
  5. You now have both your erect and flaccid penile thickness measurement

How does your existing thickness compare to other men?

The average circumference, or girth, of an erect penis is 4.8 inches thick (12.23cm), and in a flaccid state, the average penis width is 3.6 inches (9.16cm).

Surgical vs. non-surgical girth: Which path is right for you?

We provide two pathways for increasing penile thickness: surgical and non-surgical.

The key benefits of our dermal filler versions for non-surgical enlargement are fast recovery and little or no missed time at work.

Additionally, you can be a cigarette smoker, be diabatic with an elevated A1C, have a heart condition – you name it. Almost every man is a candidate for a non-surgical dermal filler enhancement.

Our FDA-Approved Revanesse brand hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler enhancement is a great way to “test drive” a thicker penis. If you love it, you can decide to pursue a longer lasting path during your next visit.

However, if it’s not your thing, the hyaluronic acid version will all be gone within 18-36 months.  Also, our hyaluronic acid version can be completely reversed through a few injections of diluted hyaluronidase.

We also offer a much longer lasting dermal filler injectable version with FDA-approved Bellafill PMMA.

Rejuvall’s BellaThick procedure is most popular for men wanting long lasting surgical thickness. We believe PMMA is mostly permanent, but the supporting clinical evidence is still evolving.

Currently, Suneva, the distributor of Bellafill, has published its five-year, 1,008-patient research, where users saw an 87% retention rate, which is indicative of near permanence.

Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA, and the active ingredient in Bellafill) microspheres are a synthetic compound. PMMA acts as a structural support for the skin, like scaffolding for a building, to hold up the skin and fill in lost volume.

Bellafill microspheres range between 30 and 50 microns in diameter. Above 20 microns, uniform microspheres are regarded as too large to reabsorb or degrade from being ingested as part of normal human metabolic activity (like what happens with hyaluronic acid).

In our clinical opinion, PMMA injections should remain mostly permanent when properly injected around the penis organ. We believe the biggest risk to their loss comes from the mechanical action of vigorous sex or masturbation, which runs the risk of dislodging the PMMA microspheres.

As a result, we advise PMMA patients to develop the habit of masturbating with a “flesh light”-type device. It is more suitable for the penis and results in better penile performance during vaginal sex by design.

Within two years, Bellafill is anticipated to release the results of a ten-year trial. Such long-term studies are very difficult to administer. Patients move, lose interest, and undergo further treatments, making it challenging to gather quality long-term data.

The only contra for use of Bellafill is men with bovine allergies. Less than 1% of humans have a meat products allergy and almost every one of those are fully aware of their hypersensitivity. Thus, we don’t require bovine testing before getting this procedure but have it available if requested.

Who’s not suited for a non-surgical penis enlargement?

The only men not well suited for non-surgical dermal fillers are those with an engorged supra pubic fat pad where a portion of the penis shaft is buried within the enlarged pad and men diagnosed with micro penis.

With the former, the penis will usually end up half its present length because the added girth will cause the penis to retract further into the fat pad. Adding girth to a micro penis makes it appear visibly shorter because of the change in proportion.

We strongly suggest those patients first get a lengthening procedure and complete all the associated aftercare to optimize their case before considering added thickness.

The biggest advantage of Rejuvall’s PERM™ penile thickening surgical girth procedure thickness is that its all-natural and provides a bigger, life-lasting outcome.

Improved self confidence affects all aspects of your life.

Improved self-confidence from a bigger flaccid penis

Another benefit of a penile girth enhancement is that it hangs heavier and thicker when flaccid. Lots of patients report improved self-image and self-confidence following a Rejuvall girth enlargement. 

The non-erect size of a penis is never fixed. It’s dependent upon the rates of blood flow throughout the body and any contra that inhibits blood flow to the penis.

For example?

No man wants to lower his pants just after existing a prolonged swim at the pool. Sustained direct contact with water inhibits blood flow to the penis. Certain prescription medications can likewise inhibit penile blood flow and have a similar devastating effect on flaccid size and thus, male self-confidence.

Penile girth enlargements are achieved by adding a bulking agent to the subcutaneous tissue layers that surround the penile organ. Thus, they are not directly impacted by deficiency in vascular flow. What’s been added is always there, even after several hours in a swimming pool.

If length is your priority, the most significant increase in both flaccid and erect length comes from our MegaMAXL 6:1 surgical penile lengthening procedure. It’s a game changer with length.

Rejuvall® girth can bring back your A-game

Most men can recall the more intense friction during their earliest sexual encounters. They remember the heightened sensation they felt during sexual intercourse, and they remember how their partner responded, as well.

Most don’t recall exactly when those heightened sensations changed. However, from a clinical perspective it usually be most aptly tied to changes in the width of female sexual anatomy following aging and childbirth.

A customized Rejuvall girth enlargement can help bring back those more responsive occasions during intimacy.

Are Rejuvall® girth procedures FDA-cleared?

FDA-clearance or approval is required anytime something artificial is being inserted into the body or being used to treat a human being. Of course, 94% of the procedures at Rejuvall are all natural and thus don’t require any form of FDA clearance or approval.

All enhancements provided at Rejuvall that include man-made agents like Juvéderm Voluma and Bellafill are FDA-approved for injection.

Your safety is always our number one priority.

A Rejuvall Exclusive: Tissue Restructure Technology

The secret to our penis enlargement success with fat tissue transplant is born from over 30 years of testing and refinement of our techniques by founding physician Steven L. Morganstern, MD and subsequent improvements by co-founder Kenneth J. Carney, MD.

Unlike competing approaches, Dr. Morganstern knew the solution wasn’t going to be found in an artificial implant or injectable as the primary bulking agent.

He pioneered the use of penile implants for treating erectile dysfunction in the 1980s and better understood the complications and shortcomings of such artificial implantations.

The challenge was how to properly extract the tissue and also how to resolve 3 related problems.

For a number of years some plastic surgeons performed “fat grafts” as a technique for penile enhancement.

However, such approaches were known to eventually deteriorate into a clumpy, unhealthy form.

Additionally, the body tended to reabsorb the bulk of that implanted tissue causing a loss of increased size.

Finally, the technique offered no opportunity to increase penile length – a common patient request with augmentation.

Rejuvall’s Tissue Restructure Technology solved all these dilemmas and results in a life-lasting enhancement of both length and width with a smooth and natural undetectable touch and finish.

Our technology creates a natural you – just bigger.

Rejuvall’s Permanent Penis Girth Enlargement Surgery is a medically proven opportunity to create a more natural, life-lasting larger penis.

penile tissue before enhancement
penile tissue before after harvesting
after surgical tissue fat transfer pic

What is Tissue Restructure Technology?

One of Rejuvall’s most popular male enlargement operations is its cutting-edge proprietary approach – providing maximum available increase with width.

The primary bulking agent utilized to create your enlargement is derived from your own adipose cells – which our urologist extracts during the procedure, also separating out key growth factors which are subsequently injected to ensure vitality within the transplant.

This  unique approach overcomes historical challenges associated with implanting adipose tissue – clumping and reabsorption – through administration of our patented Tissue Restructure Technology.

TRT is a multi-step process revolving around 3 phases of surgical evolution. Tissue is first harvested from the patient’s body for subsequent reconstituting and eventual implantation.

The first redesigned tissue is used to construct a pivoting basis that serves to both support the enhancement and also to insure longevity.

The final process re-vascularizes the imbedded tissue through injection of filtered growth factors – causing your implant to naturally reattach to the existing penile tissue as any other healthy tissue found in your body.

In other words?

With the Rejuvall Tissue Restructure Technology you end up with the healthiest, largest, most natural completely undetectable penile girth  enlargement available anywhere in the world.

Surgical Penile Thickening Procedure Details

PERM™ Surgical Penile Thickening Procedure Details

how to increase penis girth
procedure increase penile girth
procedure increase penile girth
how to increase penis girth
how to widen penis naturally

Non-Surgical Girth Procedures Details

Rejuvall presently offers two versions of non-surgical penile thickening.

Semi-Perm: Using FDA-approved Revanesse® brand Hyaluronic acid

BellaThick: Using FDA-approved Bellafill® PMMA

penis surgery cost girth

SemiPerm™ with FDA Approved Revanesse® Hyaluronic Acid & MacroSculpting

9.6 Milliliters: $5,950

15.6 Milliliters: $8,450

penile fat transfer girth
penile fat injection natural

BellaThick™ with FDA-Approved Bellafill® and MacroSculpting

5 Syringes: $5,600

10 Syringes: $8,100

(First time applications must start with 5 syringes as this product has a history of causing granuloma (filler clumping) when first administered in larger amounts.)

PMMA injections penile girth
penile filler photos
penis filler photos

Rejuvall Non-Surgical Penile Girth Enhancements

If you’re not interested in a surgical augmentation or your health diagnosis, age, or lifestyle habits suggest that a surgical enhancement would not achieve good results, we recommend you consider a Rejuvall non-surgical penile renewal solution.

Rejuvall’s non-surgical Penoplasty procedures are very popular with men for several reasons, including:

  • No cutting, no stiches, no anesthesia: just a bigger you
  • Minimal downtime compared to surgical procedures. You’re able to “walk out” afterwards with minimal discomfort and most patients can resume sexual activity within a week to ten days
  • Some patients just aren’t comfortable with the fact anesthesia is necessary for more invasive procedures.
  • 99% of men getting a non-surgical penile augmentation can return to work the day after his enhancement.
  • A non-surgical penile enhancement is a popular way to “try out” an enlargement. Those that love the increased size often evolve to a permanent surgical enhancement further down the line.
  • With a non-surgical enhancement, sexual activity can usually be resumed in about seven days following the augmentation.

Importantly, we don’t administer non-surgical enhancements with a cannula having found that approach causes increased likelihood of “clumping” of the selected penile bulking agent.

Rather, we believe the best non-surgical enhancement results are achieved through our breakthrough MacroSculpting technology with FDA-approved dermal fillers within the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the penile organ.

All Rejuvall non-surgical enhancements are performed by a board-certified urologist who completed a residency in plastic surgery. He also earned a PhD in pharmacology. He’s one of the premier urologic surgeons in the world.

Penile Girth Enhancement FAQs

To stay viable, transplanted fat tissue needs lots of blood flow. For 72 hours after surgery, the body doesn’t even recognize the transplant and thus it gets zero blood flow (which is why we employ our Affirmall technology before your procedure).

The fat tissue is transplanted to the subcutaneous tissue layers that surround the penis organ. The subcutaneous tissue area has almost no veins or arteries – only tiny capillaries to supply blood. Thus, the success window regarding blood flow is especially narrow.

Smoking cigarettes inhibits blood flow. It will cause a fat tissue transplant to fail. We don’t perform any procedure we think might fail.

You cannot “cut down” to smoking one or two cigarettes per day and achieve a successful fat tissue transplant. It will fail.

If you can’t completely quit smoking cigarettes for a minimum of six months (three months before your procedure and three months after), you don’t want to waste any money on this pathway to a thicker penis.

It will all be gone within 6 months after the procedure making a SemiPerm hyaluronic acid or Bellafill non-surgical girth enhancement a better value.

When most patients decide to finally pull the trigger on an enhancement, they often feel compelled to become as big as possible as fast as possible.

That’s a nightmare begging to become reality. Some men don’t like the change in outer penile texture with select girth bulking agents. If you start more slowly you can easily adjust your best pathway.

Penile thickness is increased by adding a bulking agent to the subcutaneous tissue layers that surround the penile organ. Note the small size of the subcutaneous layers in the illustration. You can only add but so much at the start to ensure a good outcome.

The good news is that human skin and tissue are very stretchable. Variations in the size of women’s buttocks over time is a classic example of the pliability of fat tissue and skin. Alas, it requires adequate time to safely expand.

You can eventually add nearly unlimited amounts of penile thickness given adequate time for the skin to stretch between procedures. The limitation with penile width is in how much you can add at one time.

You can safely add about one inch of girth at a time. Alas, we usually don’t recommend that you keep adding width beyond a certain point since it can make the penis appear distinctive as the width proportion in comparison to the glans (head of the penis) get out of alignment.

In extreme cases, it transforms the appearance of a circumcised penis to that of an uncircumcised manifestation. Some men are fine with this change because of the heightening response from intimate partners. Others don’t feel it looks appealing.

You can get a glans enlargement to offset the changes in proportion, but they don’t last long. The glans is home to your “orgasmic” nerve endings, and thus you must be very careful what goes in that space.

Enhancing a penis that can no longer achieve orgasm kind of defeats the purpose for the whole project, no? At present, there are no permanent bulking agents considered safe for the glans.

Dermal grafts are a form of surgical penile thickness enhancement where girth is increased by adding a new additional layer of outer dermal tissue. We presently don’t offer dermal grafts for penile enlargement.

We don’t believe the outcomes, cost and long-term results make for an appealing combination. We’ve performed dermal grafts in the past. There are aspects about dermal grafts that are appealing like the more natural rigidity of the shaft skin when erect.

Why We Don’t Offer Dermal Grafts for Penile Augmentation

There are 2 primary reasons we don’t offer dermal grafts for penile augmentation currently:

  1. The Value Proposition Isn’t Very Appealing: The most added thickness a patient can gain from such a dermal transplant is about a half an inch. You can’t add more later if you want an even thicker penis.

You can’t add a fat tissue transplant on top of it. We found most men prefer adding more than a half inch in penile thickness. Likewise, we find some patients aren’t sure what thickness will be best for them, early on.

Do you recall our #1 insight under “Keys to a Successful Penile Girth Enlargement” list? Keep your options option. We believe these procedures don’t give a notable girth increase and limit future options.

  1. Long Term Sustainability Issues with Biologic and Synthetic Dermal Tissue: Over time, transplanted dermal tissue tends to age and contract at a different rate than our own tissue.

It makes sense when you consider it. When you look in a mirror: does your facial skin look the same way it did seven years ago? Did your best friends facial skin change exactly as your own?

We’ve even had a number of patients who received cadaver skin transplants arrive at our clinic for repair of shaft unevenness. Based upon clinical studies for burn victims, even the highest quality synthetic dermal grafts will begin to show changes inside of a decade, some in as little as five years.

Surgery is required to repair morphed dermal grafts. We don’t feel that comprehensive combination of circumstances is appealing.

No, we do not. However, we are one of the leading clinics to repair men who incurred damage from a silicone penile implant for enlargement.

In our opinion, the absolute worst product in terms of anything regarding penile enhancement is silicone, whether through black market injections or the FDA-cleared versions. The injectable liquid versions tempt some because the low cost and longevity.

However, unlike injected PMMA, which can be chemically or surgically removed if you’re unhappy with the outcome, injected silicone stays inside you for the rest of your life.

Likewise, you can’t change course toward another type of penile girth enhancement if you start with silicone – you’re stuck.

Finally, a urologist will never be able to examine your inner penile health if that need arises as silicone blocks the view of ultrasonic sonography. Remember, life-lasting can also relate to your longevity of dealing with a lifetime of problems.

We believe a silicone implant to enlarge a penis is likewise a bad idea. The manufacturers of penile prosthetic implants for severe erectile dysfunction tried this decades ago to maintain all the original penile length like before the prosthetic was installed.

They discovered that triggered an unacceptable number of cases with infection and many men who ended up with a fibrotic build up at the base of their organ (a byproduct of intensive sexual intimacy) and in some cases, severe Peyronie’s disease.

Female silicone implants for breast enlargement have a relaxed existence atop a rib cage. The journey of a penis is far more violent between intercourse and masturbation. The risks and complications far outweigh the rewards in our opinion.

We strongly advise all new patients to begin with procedures where you have the maximum number of future options if you change your mind about your direction later.

For this reason, we don’t recommend using the only FDA-approved PMMA product (Bellafill) to a beginner. Once PMMA is injected into the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the penis organ, several other potential future girth enhancing options like a Fat Tissue Transplant or Dermal Graft Transplant can no longer be employed since PMMA permanently restrict the necessary blood in the outer shaft tissue to support any form of transplant.

Also, as mentioned earlier, it blocks the ability for a urologist to see inside your penis with duplex Doppler ultrasound technology in the event you face a penile health event in the future or have a need for PGE injections to enhance function as you age.

When a penis is thickened beyond its natural proportion, it appears a bit unnatural to first glance. 

Some of those pictures are just after a procedure, so there’s some swelling present that will go away after a few months.

We provide girth procedures for men of every size, shape and health paradigms, including both surgical and non-surgical solutions.

However, there’s two types of men we found that won’t get a good outcome if that start with a penile thickening procedure.

A patient with an engorged suprapubic fat pad that’s covering a visible portion of the flaccid penis shaft is not a good candidate for a penile thickening as his first procedure.

It will cause the wider penis to visually shorten, sometimes substantially. It’s simply a matter of displacement. One of our LifeSize procedures is the best place to start with such cases.

A patient with a Micropenis diagnosis is likewise usually not well suited to start with a girth enlargement. While it doesn’t measurably shorten the penile like with overweight patients, it usually gives the appearance that its shorter.

We find a penile lengthening procedure to be best suited for such cases. A micro penis patient can add girth after first fully optimizing their length.

Our breakthrough Affirmall technology provides the most viable fat tissue transplant available anywhere. Additionally, there’s important pre- and post-surgery care required of patients. Those who fail to follow their care regimen don’t get as good of results as those who do.

Our average loss for transplanted fat is 37%. That’s why we harvest and implant 50% more than required to offset this loss.

Some patients feel they “lost it entirely” after the post-surgical swelling subsides, which can take up to four months after a surgical girth procedure. An examination usually reveals they still retained one inch of thickness; they just got used to seeing 1½ to 2 inches of added thickness and assumed that would be their outcome.

We’ve learned if we attempted to transplant enough to cause a girth increase that large, it all fails. Additional thickness can be achieved through another procedure six months to one year after the first one.

We succeed with our fat tissue transplants. It’s all natural, lasting and allows you to change to any other procedure in the future.

Despite what you may have heard or read about Free Fat Transfer (FFT) or Fat Tissue Transplant (FTT) – that it doesn’t work, that it disappears, that it results in “lumpy-looking,” distorted penises – this is simply no longer true if FFT is performed correctly.

To understand what has led to this misinformation, we must look back at the beginning or early years of Penis Enlargement.

Our experience with transferring or grafting free fat from liposuction to other areas of the body (such as the face) taught us that some of the fat graft would disappear for a variety of reasons.

A little extra “over fill” was done to compensate for this loss. This worked well in areas with a small amount of fat, such as the cheek, lips, or deep facial wrinkles. We discovered that repeating this method every few months yielded the best results.

The issue arose when a few high-profile doctors used this “overfill” theory to place excessive fat in the penis, and the body was unable to develop a good blood supply to the grafted fat quickly enough. Some fat died and was absorbed by the body. Unfortunately, the fat was not absorbed evenly, resulting in lumpy, distorted penises.

These issues were caused by improperly performed procedures by doctors who were typically not well trained or experienced in Fat Tissue Transplant. Of course, they blamed the procedure rather than themselves.

They abandoned FFG while disparaging it and promoting alternative methods. These have proven to be far more prone to failure and long-term complications. What they don’t tell you is that these FTT issues are uncommon and easily resolved.

We abandoned these early techniques years ago at Rejuvall and quickly discovered that the best results in FFT could no longer include the practice of overfilling the penis.

We fabricated surgical instruments to take the appropriate size pieces of fat and developed techniques for properly placing them in the penis. This, along with a combination of special nutrients to prevent fat absorption and promote increased blood supply to the graft, we found to be the simplest and safest solution to the problem.

We are pleased to report that results are excellent and improving. The occurrence of cysts, nodules, or other complications with this procedure is now extremely low and easily corrected.

Our surgeon is recognized as one of the leading penile reconstructive surgeons on the planet. According to him, there’s over 30 different results that can go very wrong with a girth enhanced uncircumcised penis. Several of those outcomes can cause devastating outcomes.

It’s not safe, and we strongly advise against patients following this path.

Potential healing delays from circumcisions

Most circumcisions are performed just after birth by the delivering physician. For the sake of speed, infancy circumcisions are performed by pulling the foreskin back away from the glans and cutting away the excess skin along the penile shaft.

Looking down at your penis when flaccid or erect you will notice a “lighter” toned skin coloring in the area closest to the glans (head) of your penis if your circ was performed just after birth.

This is called the “inner prepuce;” it’s a less dense and less durable dermis than typical penile shaft skin since it was previously situated beneath the outer foreskin before that was trimmed away.

The Issue: A Hidden Scar Line

Anytime an incision is made into the epidermis, a scar forms during healing. With deep incisions, the scar often remains visible upon the outer skin.

With minor incisions like those performed during an infant circumcision, the scar becomes invisible, but it remains beneath the skin.

None of this mattered until the advent of penile girth enlargements. The prepuce skin in the distal portion of the penile shaft has no impact on sexual performance or sensitivity.

We discovered that infancy circumcision scar lines slow the healing process in about 20% of patients getting a penile girth enhancement. The degree of recovery delay is based upon how deeply the delivering physician cut into the tissue surrounding the penis organ when performing the circumcision.

Unfortunately, an infant circumcision cannot be reversed and there’s no way for us to appraise the depth of the original incision prior to an enlargement.

Thus, it’s something we’ve learned to navigate during girth enhancement procedures, but it sometimes requires patience and dedication on the part of the patient with following prescribed aftercare techniques or follow up visits at our clinic.

Circumcision Scar Line: Potential sources for delayed healing

1.  Blocked lymphatic drainage

The most common impediment to healing from an infancy circumcision is when the residual circumcision scar line is substantial enough to create a barrier that inhibits post-surgical swelling fluids from readily exiting the area behind the circ scar line.

Basically, the scar line blocks the lymphatic drainage necessary for healthy healing.

This condition will usually manifest with what looks like a “pinched” narrow line around the penile shaft between the circumcision line and the glans. Residual trapped fluid from swelling that can’t effectively get reabsorbed into the body, will often resemble a thick neck area around the glans.

Complications with non-surgical enhancements from a heavier circ scar line are usually easier to resolve than surgical thickening procedures due to the simple fact there’s less swelling involved in non-surgical procedures.

It’s also why we remain emphatic about starting with 10ML of the chosen dermal filler, so we can first condition the inner prepuce during the first treatment. 

2.  Circumcision Scar Line: Fat necrosis trapped behind scar line

A Fat Tissue Transplant is performed exactly as it sounds.

Healthy, living adipose fat cells are harvested from a select location and transplanted to the outer layers of the penis to make it naturally thicker.

We harvest “extra” fat cells in anticipation of the fact some of the transplanted fat cells won’t survive the relocation process (We typically lose between 30%-35%).

Dead fat cells located beneath the circ scar line are usually easily reabsorbed into the body.

However, fat cells that expire in the area above the circ scar line sometimes get trapped and can’t easily reabsorb and turn into palpable nodules known as fat necrosis (dead fat cells).

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