Correct Buried Penile Syndrome with Effective Treatment

Hidden Penis Surgery

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DIY (Do it yourself) Clinical Evaluation for a Rejuvall LifeSize Procedure

How to self-diagnose a buried or hidden penis condition

Some men are not yet comfortable discussing their enhancement case with a case consultant.

We have compiled the following information for men who desire to evaluate their LifeSize case in private. When you are prepared to speak with a professional, we will be available.

LifeSize™ Procedures Comparison Chart Details

Rejuvall Health Centers can treat or correct penile shrinkage, hidden penis syndrome, or buried syndrome.

What is hidden penis syndrome?

Also referred to as buried penile syndrome, it occurs when the penis is partially or fully concealed under the scrotum or excess skin or fat in the pubic section. It can be present at birth or acquired.

Restore Lost Penis Size from GEFP or Weight Gain

Breakthrough, affordable, non-hospital penile enhancement procedures for men with genetically engorged suprapubic fat pads and/or larger guys.

  • Includes Rejuvall’s MegaMAXL 6:1 penis lengthening technology with penile repositioning
  • Surgical removal of suprapubic fat pad
  • Custom contouring of lower stomach to match newly reduced fat pad
  • Nine different customized LifeSize versions to assure success


Self Diagnosis

Self-Diagnosis of solutions for lost penis size from weight gain

Your LifeSize Self Diagnosis Evaluation

There are a few key determining factors for each LifeSize procedure, including:

  • Size of the genetically engorged suprapubic fat pad
  • Size and type of lower stomach
  • Compacted stomach evaluation
  • Amount of visible penile length when completely flaccid
  • Amount of shaft skin visible when fully erect

In the following sections, we’ll walk you through key factors in helping determine how to successfully resolve you case.

Step One

Evaluate your stomach

The first step in your LifeSize solution pathway is to take a good look at your tummy. We need to first determine if you have a stomach with “compacted” fat. Compacted fat is where your stomach is inordinately tight and makes a hollow sound like a drum if you tap on it. Compacted fat is where your inner organs are “compacted” within fat, but the outer skin hasn’t yet stretched into a softer blubbery finish.

What is a compacted stomach?

What did your stomach sound like when you smacked it? If your stomach sounded like a drum when you tap on it, it means your fat tissue is heavily compacted around your inner organs. You will need to lose some weight before you can get a LifeSize procedure.

Some men will proclaim “they’re not fat” with a compacted stomach by describing “how hard their stomach is”. Compacted fat is unhealthy for your inner organs since they’re surrounded and compressed by the fat.

If your stomach is compacted, we’ll need to establish a targeted weight loss amount before we can perform your LifeSize procedure. Compacted fat makes it impossible to contour the stomach. We can assist you with success in weight loss and advise on the amount of weight you’ll need to lose through a virtual evaluation of your photos with the surgeon.

Step Two

Evaluate your fat pad

There’s nothing more important to a LifeSize case evaluation than the size of your genetically predisposed supra pubic fat pad. It’s the suprapubic fat pad that steadily wraps around and “hides” the penis. However, the size of the stomach also affects our being able to provide a successful outpatient procedure.

Excess Stomach Evaluation

If you have an enlarged fat pad and you’ve gained extra weight in the stomach area, the procedure will take extra time to perform, contour and lengthen your penis. What we look for in these cases is a pronounced “V” between the fat pad and lower stomach – this is an indication for a MegaContour PLUS procedure.

Scrotal Fat Migration Evaluation

Another aspect to consider is the scrotal area.

When the suprpubic pad remains engorged for a long period of time, tissue sometimes migrates into the scrotal sac to a point where we really can no longer readily visually identify our testicles. We can often still repair such a case outside of the hospital, but it adds another delicate step to your LifeSize procedure and requires a SuperMEGA operation.

Step Three

The next aspect of a LifeSize evaluation is the degree of penis that’s visible when both flaccid and erect.

Evaluate your degree of visible flaccid penis size

outpatient surgery extend penile length turtling penis picture

The amount of visible flaccid penis length significantly impacts which procedure is best suited for your case. Lots of the men are somewhere between the core pillars of our LifeSize lineup. If that’s the case in your evaluation. Don’t worry. We’ll narrow down on the exact solution once we visit directly.

Whereas existing urologic standards describe all these cases within a singular term of “buried” or “hidden” penis, we now know there’s a much broader array of cases.

These include:
1 Reduced Penis = More than 75% of flaccid size is visible
2 Partial Penis = Between 40%-74% of 

your flaccid length can be seen
3 Turtled Penis = Only about an inch of your penis shaft can be seen when non-erect
4 Buried Penis = Only glans (head) of penis is visible when flaccid
5 Trapped Penis = No portion of penis is visible when flaccid

Erect Penile Shaft Skin Evaluation

The most disheartening cases in this regard are young males whose suprapubic pads were genetically engorged since before puberty and following some weight gain have reached a point where the shaft skin is almost completely reabsorbed into the 

outpatient surgery correct buried penis

body. In some cases, we can restore these men affordably in our out-patient facility. For others where most of the penile shaft skin has already been reabsorbed, the answer includes an expensive penile shaft transplant in the hospital.

Since every guy varies genetically regarding his natural penile length, we can’t define what we need to see visible in terms of inches.

Rather, we usually want you to have at least 75% of your pre-heavyweight erect penile shaft skin still visible.

Penile Function Evaluation

You’ll want to consider the quality of your erections before scheduling an enhancement. If your erections aren’t good quality? An enlargement will not resolve that issue and we recommend addressing those issues first.

Metaphorically speaking, it’s not wise to put a brand-new paint job on a car that doesn’t run. Fortunately, Rejuvall is the nation’s premier erectile dysfunction clinic and can resolve those issues directly.

Health & Lifestyle Evaluation

There’s two key health and lifestyle issues for these procedures and both relate to the healing of your body after surgery.

First, you cannot smoke cigarettes and get this must surgery and expect to heal properly. If you are a cigarette smoker, you will have to have completely quit for at least 30 days before your procedure. Second, if you’re diabetic, your A1C must be at 7 or below for the safety of your anesthetics.

Evaluation of Your BMI

If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is over “40”, that means you’re over the line for our standard, affordable outpatient enlargement procedures.

BMI is calculated from a person’s weight in pounds divided by the square of height in feet. The exact formula is BMI = lbs. /ft2 where a person’s weight in and ft2 is their height in feet squared. More simply, you can use this automated BMI calculator at the National Institute of Health’s website.

Elevated BMI and affordable male enlargements
An elevated BMI can indicate a high degree of body fat. If you are an athlete or body builder, please let me know this via email, as those situations skew traditional BMI calculations. In select cases, we can perform a customized suprapubic fat pad reduction, stomach contouring and penile lengthening (or a reconstructive urology procedure if the inner connecting penile tissue has separated from the body) on men with a BMI between 40 and 45, but those procedures cost more and must be calculated based upon an in-office consultation with Dr. Carney.
Men with a BMI of 45 and above will most definitely have to lose weight before they can explore any type of affordable correctional procedure for the lower abdomen or penis.
How BMI affects male enhancement options
Your BMI has a big impact on which male enhancement procedure will work for your case.
  • Slender Men: Men with a BMI of 29 are usually candidates for all penile lengthening procedures and injectable versions of penile thickening. Such men usually can’t receive a FTT (Fat Tissue Transplant) version for penile girth since they rarely have enough of the needed variety of adipose cells to harvest and help ensure success.
  • Moderate-Size Men: Patients with a BMI of between 30 and 35 usually have the widest number of enlargement procedure options available to them, including surgical length, surgical length and girth, surgical thickening, and all injectable girth procedures. Some of these men with a BMI between 34 and 35 will choose to get a small fat pad reduction in congruence with their enhancement procedure.
  • Large Men: Men with a BMI of 35–40 are often candidates for Rejuvall’s LifeSize procedures, which include surgical removal of the suprapubic fat pad, stomach contouring, and penile lengthening (or a reconstructive urology procedure if the inner connecting penile tissue has separated from the body). We cannot perform penile thickening on these patients at the same time as their contouring and lengthening, as the transplanted cells can’t receive the proper nutrients to survive as the body heals from such an extensive surgery. Thus, a thickening procedure will fail if performed congruently.
  • Larger Men: Men with a BMI over 40 must either lose enough weight to get their BMI down to close to 40 or schedule an in-office consultation with Dr. Carney (if their BMI is 40–45) for a discussion about their procedure options and related costs.
Rejuvall® is America’s leading clinic for men with an elevated BMI
Rejuvall® is the only clinic offering proven penile enhancement solutions for men with higher than average BMIs. Most patients describe their outcomes as “life-changing”.
While Dr. Carney runs the nation’s premier urologic fellowship for surgical repair of men with elevated BMI, those hospital procedures are cost prohibitive for most men (ranging from $40,000 to $100,000) even after all health insurance benefits are applied. This cost barrier is why Dr. Carney invented the Rejuvall LifeSize procedures so men could get more affordable buried and hidden penis repair.
A more detailed explanation regarding how varied men’s weight affects penis enlargement can be found in this section of our website.
Common Questions and Answers
How can I lose the necessary weight?
If you live in or around Atlanta, we provide weight loss services using semaglutide derivatives that’ve proven successful for lots of men. This program begins with a visit to our clinic in Buckhead and requires a monthly office visit to support the drug therapy until the patient hits their targeted weight / BMI. If Atlanta is not convenient, you might be able to find another clinic in your area.
Some men qualify for a gastric-bypass-type procedure that will be covered by their health insurance. This is another popular pathway for men with an elevated BMI.
I just want more penile thickness. Why can’t I just do that?
In almost every instance, if we attempt to add thickness to a man with a BMI of 35 or more, the result will almost always be a penis that’s notably shorter and unable to perform. Our clinic is renowned for “penis enlargement repair” procedures, and fixing this particular mistake is the most common repair we perform. Sadly, it costs much more to repair that mistake after the fact than to do it correctly the first time.
What if I get liposuction or a monsplasty?
Liposuction or a monsplasty can temporarily improve the appearance of the penis, but if your case also includes a separated dartos fascia (which occurs in 50% of patients), your body will begin to reabsorb your penis shaft skin, reversing the temporary benefits of your lipo or monsplasty and eventually making your case worse and you, smaller.
In addition, lipo procedures in this area are notorious for damaging the penile neurovascular bundle. When injured, the result is noticeable pain when erect. Destroy it? You’ll experience a loss of sensation or chronic penile discomfort, resulting in severe erectile dysfunction. Men over the age of 25 with a swollen suprapubic fat bulge will typically lose the visible benefits of liposuction due to sagging skin over the penis.
This mistake is the source of the second-most frequent repairs we perform each month at our surgical center.
What will happen if I do nothing?
What occurs if no action is taken?
Eventually, you will observe that your penis is shrinking even further. Repairing it then will necessitate a MAJOR hospital surgical procedure, nearly a month off of work, and a financial outlay of $40,000 to $100,000 (with insurance). Never mind about the enjoyment and fun you are missing out on in the meantime.

Step Four

Determining Your Appropriate LifeSize Procedure

Urologic vocabulary presently labels such cases as though all penises are equally affected by weight gain.

That’s not the case.

We organized five distinct classifications for how excess weight affects the penis depending upon the severity in terms of loss of flaccid penile length and the amount of visible shaft skin during an erection. These two circumstances are the key determinants regarding which LifeSize procedure will apply to the case.

There are variations within each category and lots of men fall between categories. We could expand our sampling to include over twenty different permutations if we included the distinctions among fat migration into the scrotal area plus stomach and supra pubic fat pad size variations. However, we manage most cases with our five-category model.

Find Out More Information

1.  Reduced Penis

What is Reduced Penis? 

A reduced penis is defined as a penis that’s reduced in visible size from either a large supra pubic fat pad or excess skin at the base of the penis. Most (75% +) of the penis is still visible but the engorged area / skin above the penis creates the illusion of a shorter phallus. It’s important to note that a man can have little or no extra body weight whatsoever and suffer effects from reduced penis. Some men are genetically predisposed to an oversized mons pubis or excess skin at the base of the phallus.

A lot of men within the Pop Culture “Dad body” category suffer effects of reduced penis.

Negative Side Effects of Reduced Penis

The negative side effects of a reduced penis are twofold. First, the engorged supra pubic fat pad or extra base skin makes the penis visually appear smaller to yourself and those who see you naked. Secondly, as with all situations of an enlarged mons pubis, it hinders your penetration depth during sexual intercourse thereby making you shorter when it comes to performance.

Rejuvall’s Solutions for Reduced Penis

We provide two different pathways to resolve cases of reduced penis depending upon the exact diagnosis.

If the case is rooted from excess skin in the upper scrotum clouding the penile length, we often perform a Foundoplasty. With a Foundoplasty, the excess tissue in and around the base of the organ is surgically removed and part of that tissue is transplanted just beneath the base of the penis to assist with adding visible length. The result is a penis that appears notably longer than before.

When the lost length is strictly rooted in a mild suprapubic fat pad, we usually perform a “Plus” procedure that includes surgical excision of the fat pad and subsequent skin tightening. The Rejuvall “Plus” procedure is aptly named since it can be combined with any of our surgical penis enlargement procedures including MegaMAXL 6:1™ lengthening, PermMAXL™ Length and girth surgery or a PERM™ thickening procedure.

Whereas more extensive weight related penile surgeries can’t get a girth procedure at the same time as other LifeSize enhancements due to the excessive edema triggered during recovery and its effect on the blood flow needed to ensure a Fat Tissue Transplant’s success, that’s not the case for men who qualify for a “Plus” procedure. They can get a surgical small fat pad reduction with any of our surgical length or width penile enhancement procedures.

*Penile shrinkage is a common condition that can result in a partially or completely buried or hidden penis. See partial, turtled and buried sections below for additional details.

2. Partial Penis

What is Partial Penis?

A partial penis is pretty much as the name implies: a partial portion of the penis is suppressed by excess fatty tissue built up around the base of the phallus. We define a partial penis as showing at least half of its full flaccid length.
Remember, this flaccid length is the naturally flaccid length. It does not include pushing at the base of the penis or pulling length with your hand before evaluating.

What are the Negative Side Effects of Partial Penis?

Partial penis is relatively common in today’s world. A partial penis designation means fat tissue has engulfed less than half of your visible flaccid penile length. A larger belly is often blocking your ability to look down and see your flaccid penis. The supra public fat pad is only moderately enlarged with fat, but the combination of elements tends to create a much visibly smaller penis than from times before the extra weight existed.

Rejuvall’s Solution for Partial Penis

Depending upon the exact case, we can sometimes perform a surgical Monsplasty to resolve the fat pad and contour some of the lower stomach, followed by another penile enlargement procedure afterwards, usually waiting about six months.

What is a Monsplasty?

This procedure involves the surgical reduction of the male lower fat pad and skin tightening.

Our most popular procedure for Partial Penis is our MegaContour™. The MegaContour™ combines a monsplasty (surgical reduction of lower fat pad and skin tightening) with our MegaMAXL penile lengthening into a singular procedure.  Additionally, we mildly contour the lower stomach and fat pad area into a more visually appealing appearance.

The MegaContour™ is one of our most popular procedures.

3. Turtled Penis

What is a Turtled Penis?

A Turtled Penis occurs when about one inch of the penis shaft is visible when flaccid. A turtled penis is akin to the head of a turtle sticking out from its shell. A turtled penis diagnosis is increasingly common in today’s world and can usually be completely resolved with one of outpatient LifeSize out-patient surgical pathways. This condition is sometimes referred to as turtling syndrome.

What are the Negative Side Effects of a Turtled Penis?

A turtled penis significantly hampers fulfillment during intimacy. Additionally, its impact on flaccid size often triggers a desire to rush to add a towel over the lower portion of the body just after exiting a shower. Lots of patients with turtled penis mention a decline in self-confidence and decreased self-image with this diagnosis.

Rejuvall’s Solution for Turtled Syndrome

Most turtled penis cases can be corrected with our MegaContour PLUS procedure, which includes a correction of the large “V” between the enlarged fat pad and oversized lower stomach. More significant cases where the fat has migrated into the scrotum sac require our SuperMEGA.

Generally, we steer clear of liposuction combined with any form of penis enlargement because of the significant amount of edema (excess fluid) it almost always triggers. Excess edema is a key source of failure for any penis enlargement.

Optionally, our physician team can sometimes break the enhancement into two-three separate procedures where there’s liposuction and/or surgical fat reduction followed by a penile enhancement procedure. Most phased, multi-step enlargements require a six-month interval between each procedure.

Turtled Syndrome Pictures

4. Buried Penis

What is a Buried Penis?

Buried Penis is defined as a penis where only the glans (head of the penis) is visible when completely flaccid. Depending upon the exact case, we can often succeed resolving the issue with outpatient surgery(s).

What are the Negative Side Effects of a Buried or Hidden Penis?

Men with a buried penis usually must push down upon the base of the penis just to safely urinate. Even when doing so some still suffer the side effect of having urine irritate the sensitive skin around the phallus, sometime triggering infection issues.
Buried or hidden penis syndrome makes intercourse sometimes impossible and far less fulfilling.

Some buried penis patients suffer significant depression because of their condition.

Rejuvall’s Solution for Buried Penis

Our medical team can usually resolve about 50% of submitted cases with a buried or hidden penis diagnosis through our single procedure SuperMEGA enlargement and contour procedure. Our SuperMEGA procedure includes surgical extraction of fat tissue that’s migrated into the scrotum. If the scrotum remains filled with fat it will hinder the effect of a lengthening procedure.

Another 25% of buried penis cases can be resolved on an outpatient basis but must be broken up into separate procedures as multiple steps. Additionally, the patient sometimes must sometimes get invested in their recovery through targeted weight loss before a LifeSize procedure.

Fixing buried penis sometimes involves a two-step process, beginning with targeted liposuction. Then, after the patient’s body is fully recovered from surgery, we perform either a SuperMega™ or MegaContour™ to finalize residual fat elimination, lengthen the penis, and surgically tighten all the skin in the lower stomach and around the penis.

The final 25% of cases we can’t resolve with one of our affordable out-patient options are those where the body has already reabsorbed a measurable portion of the penile shaft skin.  Absorption of the skin along the penis shaft is the biggest risk from obesity regarding men’s sexual health.

In such cases, even if we removed all the fatty tissue around the penis and performed a lengthening procedure, the amount of available size is still only one to three inches. Men with this diagnosis must consider a hospital procedure that includes transplanting new penile shaft skin from a donor site from their body.

5.  Trapped / Hidden Penis

What is a Trapped Penis? 

With a trapped penis, all penis organs, including the glans (head) are completely engulfed by migrated suprapubic fat tissue.

No portion of the penis is visible when flaccid.

A trapped penis is also referred to as a hidden penis.

Being diagnosed with a trapped penis is one of the most devastating diagnoses from weight gain a man can experience.

What are the Negative Side Effects of a Trapped Penis?

Having a trapped penis makes it challenging to urinate and often results in acidic urination fluids remaining on the sensitive scrotal tissue, thereby triggering irritation and infection. In more severe cases, the patient must use a catheter simply to expel bodily fluids, which is nearly impossible to do without help from another person.

Fixing a trapped penis requires an extensive surgical procedure performed in the hospital. Many patients with a trapped penis must first obtain a form of gastric bypass surgery to assist with weight loss and fully recover before penile reconstruction. During this procedure, the surrounding tissue and fat must be excised, and a new penile shaft must be harvested from the inner thigh and transplanted to the penis organ. The belly button also must be moved to an appropriate new position.

Insurance Coverage and Out-Of-Pocket Expenses Trapped Penis Reconstruction
Health insurance will often cover some version of gastric bypass to assist with weight loss and it also helps with surgical penile reconstruction. However, out of pocket expenses with restoring the penis often exceed $70,000 because of the prolonged hospital stay required.

Rejuvall’s Solution for Trapped Penis

We are not able perform outpatient procedures for men with a trapped penis diagnosis. All our procedures are outpatient. However, we can evaluate your case and advise you about a specialist nearest to you.

Before retiring from the University and joining our clinic full time, our surgeon was recognized as the leading practitioner to resolve trapped penis cases in the world.

Rejuvall’s LifeSize LifeSaver™ Pathway

Reconstructive urology of penile base, surgical reduction of suprapubic pad and stomach plus modified penile lengthening

The greatest risk for patients with a genetic predisposition for an enlarged suprapubic fat pad is posed by the reabsorption of tissue beginning at the penile shaft’s base. This destructive reabsorption begins once the dartos fascia detaches from the skin. This clinical diagnostic causes progressive reabsorption of the penile shaft, leading to outcomes such as lost sexual capabilities, reduced urologic function, and severely shortened penis.

In about 20% of LifeSize patient’s we discover the dartos fascia has detached from its inborn position, indicating penile shaft skin absorption has already begun. If the dartos fascia is detached and not urologically reconstructed, a patient’s penis might appear longer following liposuction of the suprapubic pad or a monsplasty, but they’ll soon notice continued decreased penile length in the years that follow as the shaft continues to be reabsorbed into the body. It’s a devastating diagnosis when left untreated.

It’s essential that we surgically repair this degenerative condition as not doing so will eventually result in the patient losing all their length gains in the future. Unfortunately, when this diagnosis is discovered, we can’t perform the same level of penile repositioning as in patients without dartos detachment as we’ll need the deep ligaments as an anchor for penile reconstruction. Although the Rejuvall® LifeSaver variant of our MegaContour procedures typically requires additional time, we do not charge extra for this exclusive result. We always strive to provide five-star clinical care with every Rejuvall augmentation.

What makes a LifeSize® LifeSaver™ variant special?

1. We do not release the deep ligaments because we will need to use them as anchor points to attach the repaired dartos fascia when we raise and reposition the base of your penis to where it was prior to the degeneration caused by the disease.
2. The suspensory ligaments at the base of the penis are incised to aid with penile lengthening.
3. As with our conventional Mega Contour operations, we surgically remove the fat tissue from the mons pubis, contour the area beneath the stomach to match the newly reduced fat pad area, and surgically tighten all surrounding skin.
4. The Rejuvall LifeSaver version restores the natural, healthy function of the penile structure while enhancing its length and appearance. Only conducting a mons pubis and/or ligament release without reconstructive urology to the dartos fascia will result in continuing penis shaft degeneration and eventual loss of critical penile functions.

LifeSize Procedure Details

LifeSize™ Procedures Comparison Chart

Needing a big picture, side by side comparison between Rejuvall’s LifeSize procedures?

The following graphic helps better illuminate your key options:

comparison chart penile surgery options

LifeSize™ Procedure Details

The MegaContour™

contouring surgery removes fat pad lower stomach


MEGACONTOUR combines surgical lower belly reduction, surgical fat pad excision reduction and skin tightening along with Six-Step MegaMAXL 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.

The MegaContour provides a pathway for men with large mid sections, to achieve maximum penile lengthening in a singular procedure. It combines nine procedures into a singular surgical appointment.

The MegaContour is an affordable game-changer for patients suffering from lost penile length related to a large lower belly. Similar versions of this procedure performed at Emory University Hospital cost over $45,000 and health insurance does not cover that expense.

Your surgeon is one of an elite group who completed medical residency in both plastic surgery and urology. He knows as much or more about cosmetic enhancement of the penis than anyone in the world.

Am I a good candidate for a MegaContour procedure?

MegaContour PLUS is an outpatient procedure performed at our facilities.

It’s ideally suited for men with a larger lower belly that’s not formed by compacted fat plus a moderate suprapubic fat pad and little or no fat seepage into the scrotal sac.

The patients who are not a good candidate for a MegaContour Plus are those where the amount of visible penile shaft skin is limited because of reabsorption, show a pronounced “V” between the size of their fat pad and lower stomach, have fat migration into the scrotum, Diabetic patients with an A1C above 7, or patients with hard bellies where fat is tightly compacted around the lower organs.

The tell-tale for if you’ll require a MegaContour Plus vs. a standard Mega Contour, is the degree of pronounced “V” between your suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach.  A more prominent “V” requires the additional steps included in the PLUS procedure.

Can I add penile thickness at the same time as a MegaContour procedure?


MegaContour patients cannot get a permanent girth procedure at the same time as this procedure. Unfortunately, the stomach reduction and surgical lengthening procedures produce excess edema which will subsequently trigger failure for the fat tissue transplant and thickness. Permanent girth would need to be added after a MegaContour

MegaContour patients cannot come back and add more penile length later. The MegaContour procedure provides the most possible penile length the human body can medically and safely provide just after your suprapubic fat pad is reduced.

Does a MegaContour leave a scar?

The MegaContour results in a wide “V”-shaped scar above the base of the penis where the lower stomach skin becomes the new base above the pelvic bone. This scar typically eventually to a hairline width and is often mostly covered by pubic hair.

MegaContourProcedure Details

MegaContour Step One: Surgical removal of suprapubic fat pad

outpatient penis surgery remove fat pad lower stomach

MegaContour Step Two: Penile Lengthening Preparation

MegaContour Step Three: Excision of all penile ligaments

To remake your penis so it can be stretched even longer through post-surgical exercises, we first excise the fungiform and suspensory ligaments, followed by cutting of the deep ligaments.

Step Four, Five and Six: Penile length repositioning, length lock and reinforcement

After the removal of the suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach tissue, we perform our MegaMAXL 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.

Step Seven: Stomach repositioning, final contouring, and closure

The lower stomach incision line is lowered to form the new skin for the of the penis organ. Staples, drains and dissolvable sutures are installed.

picture of lengthening penis fat pad removal

Step Eight: Recovery and Aftercare

MegaContour patients are required to stay a minimum of three nights at a nearby hotel and return to our clinic for follow up office visits and removal of drains before driving or flying out of state / country. Patients can choose to return to work after returning home but must do so with restriction of not lifting anything over ten pounds for at least 30 more days.

The MegaContour utilizes surgical staples to seal the incision along the belly line above the removed fat pad. Traveling patients will need to visit with a primary care physician to remove the staples about three weeks after surgery.

Recovery with the MegaContour is significant. You’ll have significant swelling in both your stomach area and penis.

The MegaContour procedure is more prone to infection than other enlargement procedures. Patients will need to maintain care in healing, as prescribed. In some cases, traveling patients might need to visit their primary care physician for examination of the fat pad removal incision if it becomes infected.

During the first week after your procedure (as explained by your surgeon) you’ll begin the first stage of our three-step process to help support your new length and help it get longer. Your dedication to these procedures affects the quality of your length outcome.

The MegaContour™+PLUS


MegaContour +PLUS combines surgical belly reduction, fat pad skin removal and tightening, a MegaMAXL 6-step penile lengthening procedure, plus a surgical reduction and reshaping of a pronounced “V” from the union of an engorged Mons Pubis and larger lower belly.

The MegaContour Plus is an affordable game-changer for patients suffering from lost penile length related to an engorged suprapubic fat pad and lower belly.

Similar versions of this procedure performed at Emory University Hospital cost over $65,000-$90,000 and health insurance does not cover that expense.

Am I a good candidate for a MegaContour PLUS procedure?

MegaContour Plus is an outpatient procedure that’s presently only performed on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Heavier patients where excess fatty tissue that’s migrated into the scrotum along with men with more severe versions of buried and hidden penis will have to consider a SuperMEGA or Hospital Procedure.

The patients who are not a good candidate for a MegaContour Plus are those where the amount of visible penile shaft skin is limited because of reabsorption, have fat migration into the scrotum, Diabetic patients with an A1C above 7, or patients with hard bellies where fat is tightly compacted around the lower organs.

MegaContourPLUS Procedure Details

buried penis and penile shaft picSevere cases where the penile shaft skin has been reabsorbed will require hospital care. The surgery time and 24-hour nurse assisted recovery aspects of hospital cases are not suited for our a out-patient facilities. We will be happy to refer such cases to Emory University hospital for evaluation.

The MegaContour PLUS procedure requires the use of a mild anesthesia consisting of a combination of an Epidural and IV Sedation

The tell-tale for if you’ll require a MegaContour Plus vs. a standard Mega Contour, is the degree of pronounced “V” between your suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach.  

A more prominent “V” requires the additional steps included in the MegaContour PLUS procedure.

Can I add penile thickness at the same time as a MegaContour PLUS procedure?

MegaContour Plus patients cannot get a permanent girth procedure at the same time as this procedure. Unfortunately, the stomach reduction and surgical lengthening procedures produce excess edema which will subsequently trigger failure for the fat tissue transplant and thickness. Permanent girth would need to be added after a MegaContour

MegaContour Plus patients cannot come back and add more penile length later. The MegaContour PLUS procedure provides the most possible penile length the human body can medically and safely provide just after your suprapubic fat pad is reduced.

Does a MegaContour PLUS leave a scar?

The MegaContour PLUS results in a wide “V”-shaped scar above the base of the penis where the lower stomach skin becomes the new base above the pelvic bone. This scar typically eventually to a hairline width and is often mostly covered by pubic hair.

Step One: Surgical removal of suprapubic fat pad

Step Two: Surgical reduction of lower stomach and contouring to the newly reduced fat pad.

fat pad pic above penis

Step Three: Penile lengthening prepared

After the removal of the suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach fat tissue, we perform our MegaMAXL 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.

Step Four: Excision of all penile ligaments

To remake your penis so it can be stretched even longer through post-surgical exercises, we first excise the fungiform and suspensory ligaments, followed by cutting of the deep ligaments.

Step Five: Penile length repositioning and length lock

After the removal of the suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach tissue, we perform our MegaMAXL 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.

Step Six: Stomach repositioning, final contouring, and closure

The lower stomach line is lowered down to form the new base at the penis organ. Staples, drains and dissolvable sutures are installed.

Step Seven: Recovery and Aftercare

MegaContour PLUS patients are required to stay a minimum of four nights at a nearby hotel and return to our clinic for follow up office visits and removal of drains before driving or flying out of state / country. Patients can choose to return to work after returning home but must do so with restriction of not lifting anything over ten pounds for at least 30 more days.

The MegaContour PLUS utilizes surgical staples to seal the incision along the belly line above the removed fat pad. Traveling patients will need to visit with a primary care physician to remove the staples about three weeks after surgery.

Recovery with the MegaContour PLUS is significant. You’ll have significant swelling in both your stomach area and penis.

The MegaContour PLUS procedure is more prone to infection than other enlargement procedures. Patients will need to maintain care in healing, as prescribed. In some cases, traveling patients might need to visit their primary care physician for examination of the fat pad removal incision if it becomes infected.

During the first week after your procedure (as explained by your surgeon) you’ll begin the first stage of our three-step process to help support your new length and help it get longer. Your dedication to these procedures affects the quality of your length outcome.



Our SuperMEGA is the ultimate non-hospital, out-patient procedure for men suffering from engorged supra pubic pads or moderate buried penis. It’s a combination of eleven different procedures during a single operation including surgical fat pad removal, lower stomach contouring, six penile lengthening procedures, excision and contouring of a pronounced “V” between the fat pad and lower stomach, plus surgical harvest and extraction of fat tissue that’s migrated to the scrotal sac.

The limiting factor for an affordable outpatient SuperMEGA™ procedure and a hospital buried / trapped penis operation is if the patient’s body has not yet absorbed a notable amount of the penile shaft skin. A penile shaft transplant must be performed in a hospital setting and usually requires a one-week stay with round the clock nursing facilities.

Am I a good candidate for a SuperMEGA procedure?

The SuperMEGA is an outpatient procedure performed at our procedure facility in Atlanta.

The SuperMEGA surgical reduction of the suprapubic fat pad and the lower belly. It also includes contouring of the fat pad / belly area plus extraction of fat that’s migrated within the scrotum.

The patients who are not a good candidate for a SuperMEGA are those where the amount of visible penile shaft skin is limited because of reabsorption, Diabetic patients with an A1C above 7, or patients with hard bellies where fat is tightly compacted around the lower organs.

Severe cases where the penile shaft skin has been reabsorbed will require hospital care. The surgery time and 24-hour nurse assisted recovery aspects of hospital cases are not suited for our a out-patient facilities. We will be happy to refer such cases to Emory University hospital for evaluation.

The SuperMEGA procedure requires the use of a mild anesthesia consisting of a combination of an Epidural and IV Sedation

Can I add penile thickness at the same time as a SuperMEGA procedure?

SuperMEGA patients cannot get a permanent girth procedure at the same time as this procedure. Unfortunately, the stomach reduction and surgical lengthening procedures produce excess edema which will subsequently trigger failure for the fat tissue transplant and thickness. Permanent girth would need to be added after a SuperMEGA

SuperMEGA patients cannot come back and add more penile length later. The SuperMEGA procedure provides the most possible penile length the human body can medically and safely provide just after your suprapubic fat pad is reduced.

Does a SuperMEGA procedure leave a scar?

The SuperMEGA results in a wide “V”-shaped scar above the base of the penis where the lower stomach skin becomes the new base above the pelvic bone. This scar typically eventually to a hairline width and is often mostly covered by pubic hair.

SuperMEGA™ Procedure Details

Step One: Surgical removal of suprapubic fat pad

Step Two: Surgical reduction of lower stomach and contouring to the newly reduced fat pad.

Step Three: Penile lengthening prepared

After the removal of the suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach fat tissue, we perform our MegaMAXL 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.

Step Four: Excision of all penile ligaments

To remake your penis so it can be stretched even longer through post-surgical exercises, we first excise the fungiform and suspensory ligaments, followed by cutting of the deep ligaments.

Step Five: Penile length repositioning, length lock and reinforement of base

After the removal of the suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach tissue, we perform our MegaMAXL 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.

Step Six: Harvesting of Fat from Scrotum

The lower stomach line is lowered down to form the new base at the penis organ. Staples, drains and dissolvable sutures are installed.

scrotum buried penis pic

Step Seven: Stomach repositioning, final contouring, and closure

The lower stomach line is lowered down to form the new base at the penis organ. Staples, drains and dissolvable sutures are installed.

Step Eight: Recovery and Aftercare

SuperMEGA patients are required to stay a minimum of four nights at a nearby hotel and return to our clinic for follow up office visits and removal of drains before driving or flying out of state / country. Patients can choose to return to work after returning home but must do so with restriction of not lifting anything over ten pounds for at least 30 more days.

The SuperMEGA utilizes surgical staples to seal the incision along the belly line above the removed fat pad. Traveling patients will need to visit with a primary care physician to remove the staples about three weeks after surgery.

Recovery with the SuperMEGA is the most significant of any of our procedures. You’ll have significant swelling in both your stomach area and penis.

The SuperMEGA procedure is more prone to infection than other enlargement procedures. Patients will need to maintain care in healing, as prescribed. In some cases, traveling patients might need to visit their primary care physician for examination of the fat pad removal incision if it becomes infected.

During the first week after your procedure (as explained by your surgeon) you’ll begin the first stage of our three-step process to help support your new length and help it get longer. Your dedication to these procedures affects the quality of your length outcome.

LifeSize Procedures Additional Questions and Answers

Q&A on Augmentation Procedures

What happens if I go ahead and get a penile length or girth enlargement procedure and ignore my extra weight issue?

That’s not a good decision and your enlargement won’t succeed.

Excess belly fat exerts pressure at the base of the penis back where it first forms near the anus. This pressure won’t allow for release and retention of penile length, even with our LengthLock technology.

We commonly see larger patients who received a girth enhancement at another doctor and suffered the effect of lost length. There’s only a finite amount of space in and around a penis organ. An engorged fat pad causes the penis to draw inward. If penile girth is added without addressing the extra weight, the penis will withdraw even further and require a repair procedure to get you back where you started.

Does weight gain make my penis thicker?


The layers of subcutaneous tissue that surrounds the penis organ is a small finite amount of space. Excessive fat migrates throughout the lower stomach sector and can completely engulf the scrotal area, but it does not migrate to the penile shaft.

There is a small layer of fat that surrounds the penile organ’s corpora sponges. Excess fat in the suprapubic fat pad and lower stomach are not able to migrate to the thin fat layers surrounding your penis.

However, with more severe weight gain, fat tissue can migrate to the scrotum and cause it to become engorged.

Can I get micro penis from excess weight gain?

A lot of overweight men assume they have micro penis after excess weight gain causes their penis to become much smaller visibly.

Alas, Micro penis is a genetically predisposed condition whereby the penis organ and supporting structures are born substantially smaller than average (two inches or less when erect)

With LifeSize patients, the smaller penis appearance is a side effect of obesity that causes the penis to appear like a micro penis.

Once the issues are resolved, patients regain their normal genetically predisposed penile size.

Why can’t I add girth the same time I get my fat area reduced and increase penile length?

Regardless of which girth procedure you desire, they’re all performed in a fundamentally similar manner.

If we attempt to performs a fat tissue transplant at the same time as a Lifesize stomach contouring and lengthening procedure, it will fail. Transplant

Should I consider getting bariatric surgery to help me lose weight?

If your weight gain relative to your height becomes excessive, bariatric surgery is an excellent pathway to get started improving your life.

The primary risk of excess weight to the penis is that over time the body begins to reabsorb the penile shaft skin. Thus, even if the extra weight is lost or surgically removed, the penis will remain tiny. The only way to remedy loss of penile shaft is through a penile shaft transplant where donor tissue (often harvested from the inner thigh) is transplanted to the penis organ.

This procedure is very expensive and faces a long recovery because it’s so easy for the harvest location to become infected.

Anything you can do that causes you not to lose your penile shaft skin is usually a smart and healthy investment.

Custom MegaContour

Our Custom MegaContour is our newest LifeSize Procedure for men with a BMI between 40-45. 

Patients who fall into this category will need to first come into our clinic for an in-office consultation with Dr. Carney. Our Custom Mega Contour procedure is the same core procedure as the one’s listed above but involves extra time for the procedure and recovery because of the large amount of excess body tissue that must be removed. 

The price range for a Custom Mega Contour is $18,800-$24,800. If your procedure does not qualify for our out-patient procedure facility, the case must be referred to a hospital where out of pocket costs range between $40,000 – $100,000, depending on the extensiveness and health insurance that’s available to contribute to the costs.

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