Discover the very best surgical and non-surgical penis enlargement procedures

We provide more paths to a bigger you than all our competitors combined

Non-Surgical Pricing

RejuvallLite™ Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement Solutions

No Scalpel • No Stiches • No Anesthesia • Just a Bigger You

LOTS OF MEN OPT FOR A NON-SURGICAL ENLARGEMENT because its non-invasive and provides a much faster recovery than surgical opportunities. We offer three variations of non-surgical enhancements including our hyaluronic acid injection version with Juvéderm Voluma brand hyaluronic acid injections, glans enlargements and our breakthrough, FDA-cleared, all natural and long-lasting non-surgical fat tissue transplants.

The biggest downside of a non-surgical enhancement is that increased penile length only occurs from the added weight of the bulking material and limitations on the amount of size increase that be achieved in a singular procedure.

A more detailed explanation of non-surgical penile enlargement costs can be found at 


girth enlargement solution

Rejuvall’s Girth Optimizing Circumcision

Foreskin removal and thickness optimization

Our GirthCirc™ Circumcision includes expertly removing penile foreskin in a manner that adds an extra ¼ inch of thickness to your subsequent penile girth enhancement.

All patients receiving a girth enlargement at Rejuvall must first be circumcised. We can add length to an uncircumcised penis, but if we add thickness, the foreskin must first be removed. We are aware some doctors will thicken an uncircumcised penis, but as the leading penile trauma surgeon in the US who must repair where many of those cases eventually end up, our doctor requires a circumcision before any girth enhancement.

Reduces infections and allows for an optimized girth enlargement.

• Non-Surgical
• Permanent

Price: $3,900

The SemiPERM

Safest, Non-Surgical, FDA Approved Penile Thickening Agent

SemiPerm™ offers the safest and easiest non-surgical solution to a bigger you. Includes FDA-Approved Revanesse® brand Hyaluronic Acid as the thickening agent with our proprietary MacroSculpting™ technology: resulting in a more even presentation and fastest recovery. You choose where you want the biggest impact: penile thickness, glans, or scrotum – all in one value!

Adds ½” thickness, depending upon existing size

• Non-Surgical
• Up to Two Years

Price: $5,950 for 9.6 ML

non-surgical solution logo


Life-Lasting, Non-Surgical Penile Thickening

BellaThick™ provides a life-lasting non-surgical penile thickening solution with FDA approved BellaFill® injections and LISW therapy. Ideal for men with inadequate bodyfat or health paradigms that don’t make them good candidates for surgical procedures.

We don’t recommend PMMA for men just starting out with a first enlargement since it limits some of your future options if you change your mind on which direction is right for you in the future.

Adds about 1/4 – 1/2” thickness per treatment (depending on present width). About half of the added thickness occurs immediately after the procedure and the rest transpires in the months that follows as the PMMA expands.

• Non-Surgical
• Permanent

Price: $5,600

one kit of five syringes

rejuvall penile size enhancement

Rejuvall’s Non-Surgical PENILE IMPLANT Enlargement Procedure

Lost penile size following implantation of a penile prosthetic implant is a common complaint. The Rejuvall Penile Implant Enlargement restores thickness and glans rigidity to your prosthetic penile implant. Includes two rounds of five syringes of FDA-approved Bellafill to the penile shaft plus 3ML of hyaluronic acid added for Glans rigidity enhancement.

Typically adds about 1” thickness to penile shaft depending upon your current size. Unfortunately, any lost length following implantation of a prosthetic cannot be restored because the implant is custom sized to its current length.

• Non-Surgical
• Up to Two Years

Price: $11,000

Please note: insurance does not cover costs associated with an implant augmentation. It is considered cosmetic elective surgery and must be paid out of pocket.

All Rejuvall® non-surgical girth procedures leave patients “hanging longer” when flaccid because of the added weight from the girth bulking agent

largest glans penile thickening image

Rejuvall Glans Enlargement

Larger Results, Non-Surgical Glans Enlargement

MEGA GLANS™ is our proprietary glans (head of the penis) enlargement using injections of between 4-6 ML of hyaluronic acid (man-made collagen)

Typically expands head of penis (glans) 25-50% larger than before. Our breakthrough approach allows for 2-3 times the volume of competing versions

• Non-Surgical
• First Treatment: 3-6 months
• Subsequent treatments usually an additional 6 months – 2 years

Price: $3,500 solo Up to 6 ML of Revanesse

$2950* when performed along with another procedure

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