a middle aged man wearing jeans and a blue shirt sits in a brown leather chair and peers out the window as he thinks about how he can get more girth

How To Increase Girth

How to Get More Girth: Penile Girth Enhancement

Increased penile thickness is a common desire for lots of men. The good news is that girth problems can be addressed, but it’s crucial to discuss these treatments with a healthcare provider.

Although increased thickness can improve sexual enjoyment for both men and women, it’s essential to keep in mind that having a healthy sexual life involves much more than just physical attributes.

Here, we’ll examine some of the methods available for penile girth enlargement, the pros and cons associated with each, and what to beware of as you look.

Average Girth of Penis

a chart with a big orange dot and a smaller blue dot showing the average girth of a man's penis when both flaccid and erect in inches

Let’s start with where you are now. The average circumference, or girth, of an erect penis is 4.5 inches thick (11.43cm), and in a flaccid state, the average penis width is 3.6 inches (9.16cm).

How to Measure Girth

All you need to measure your current penile thickness is a soft vinyl tape measure. If you don’t already have one, you can use a piece of string and a marker to show the various flaccid and erect girth measurements. Then to determine your penile thickness, measure the thread along a straight ruler.

  1. Wrap the vinyl tape or string around the thickest part of your penile shaft.
  2. Mark the end of the tape or string. This represents your flaccid thickness.
  3. Masturbate to whatever gets you going fast.
  4. Repeat the measurement technique to determine your erect girth.

A urologist can evaluate your particular circumstances and treat any underlying illnesses that could be affecting your thickness.

Peyronie’s disease is one such aspect to consider. Rejuvall is recognized as a world leader with non-surgical repair of scar tissue in the penis which can lead to a reduction in girth during erection.

Managing Peyronie’s disease and its effects on sexual health requires a board-certified urologist’s diagnosis and treatment.

a caucasian man's hand against a black background with a white soft measuring tape wrapped around his fingers to illustrate how to measure penile girth

Can girth size change?

Almost every man has heard or used the phrase, “How’s it hanging?” It’s common slang among most men. It’s a metaphor regarding how thick and long a man’s unaroused penis is hanging and equates this to how well a man is doing or how happy he is. It’s that important.

Girth is directly influenced by the quality of blood flow coming into the penis. While insufficient blood flow might cause a decrease in apparent size, a firm erection gives the appearance of fullness.

Even a man’s flaccid size is affected by the quality and force of blood to his penis. When arterial blood flow is compromised, the shaft shrinks more when flaccid.

It’s equally critical to recognize psychology’s contribution. Even when a penis size is within the normal range, societal expectations and comparisons can worsen anxiety about it.

These issues can be resolved by having frank discussions with your partner. Consider visiting with a sexual health specialist therapist if your concerns persist.

How to Increase Girth: Surgical & Non-Surgical Girth Enhancement

When considering penile girth enlargement, there are a wide variety of different strategies to consider. We’ll divide these approaches into two main categories: surgical and non-surgical techniques.

Increasing Girth Without Surgery

closeup of a syringe and vial containing clear substance sitting on a white sheet of paper with the words hyaluronic acid and the definition of HA which is used for penile girth augmentation

Hyaluronic Acid Girth Enhancement

A minimally invasive method of augmenting the penile girth, dermal fillers frequently contain hyaluronic acid (H/A). To expand girth, a urologist injects the filler into the penis shaft.

The normal duration of this approach is six to thirty-six months, depending upon how much is injected and if you’ve had previous H/A penis injections (longevity is increased over repeated injections).

A patient with an average sized endowment will usually become one inch thicker after about 20 mL of hyaluronic acid injections.

For Best Results: Avoid Injections with a Cannula

A cannula is most commonly employed for penile dermal fillers since many of the providers injecting are not board-certified urologists and they use a cannula to reduce the likelihood of injury during injection.

While that sounds well and good, it usually results in an uneven appearance to the penile shaft. Cannula-free injections allow for exact placement of the filler, resulting in a far more natural looking enhanced penis.

Non-Surgical Length & Girth Enhancement

Restorex brand penile traction device with its box and accessories against a white background
Medical-Grade Penis Extenders (Traction Devices) with Clinical Treatments and Protocols

There are a couple of new medical programs available that provide non-surgical length and width enhancement, including Rejuvall’s MAXL® technology.

Rejuvall’s MAXL®, non-surgical penile lengthening and thickening technology was developed by renowned urologists Steven L. Morganstern, MD, and Kenneth J. Carney, MD, PharmD, FACS, as an adjunct to their institute’s breakthrough therapies for Peyronie’s disease.

The non-surgical length and width protocol is a three-month program where a patient employs a prescribed traction device twice daily at home along with select supplements to help trigger hyperplasia during therapy along with a blood flow boosting therapeutic at the onset of the program through external counter pulsation therapy at our clinic.

90% of men within the MAXL® program achieve permanent increased length and width, as the new organ cells caused by physiologic hyperplasia are lifelong. Average length improvement usually varies between ½” to 1” while research indicates thickness increases ¼”– ½” after therapy.

Warning: Avoid Jelqing
bright yellow wall with a man's arm making the ok hand symbol punched through the wall as a warning against dangerous jelqing exercises

Jelqing, a stretching method frequently advocated online, is highly dangerous and lacks substantiated advantages.

Medical specialists vehemently advise against jelqing due to the potential for scar tissue formation, which may result in:

  • permanent curvature (Peyronie’s disease).
  • Nerve impairment and diminished sensitivity.
  • Diminished erections or erectile dysfunction (ED) resulting from vascular injury.

In summary, jelqing is neither safe nor effective and should be disregarded.

PMMA Injections for Girth

Another relatively safe non-surgical penile thickening option that’s permanent is injection of PMMA into the penis shaft. At present, there is only one version of PMMA injection that’s FDA-approved in the United States: Bellafill from Suneva Medical.

The reason we started this section by saying PMMA is “relatively” safe is two-fold.

First, because PMMA triggers an inflammatory process following initial injection, it’s prone to create unsightly granuloma that can resemble a certain version of STDs, creating patient anxiety and humiliation.

Rejuvall surgeons invented a workaround for this issue by first injecting and enlarging the penis with H/A injections and subsequently layering the permanent PMMA within this framework.

This makes safe and permanent customized increased size available for almost every man.

closeup of hands wearing turquoise medical gloves holding and filling a syringe with PMMA from a vial for non-surgical penile girth augmentation
Warning: Avoid “Collagen Inducing” and “CMC” Injections

As America’s #1-rated “penis enlargement repair clinic” we encounter every version of what goes wrong in the world of male enhancement.

Recently, there’s been an alarming increase in the number of cases where men have undergone non-surgical penis enlargements under the premise that an injectable agent stimulates collagen creation in the patient, resulting in a “natural” larger, thicker penis.

In truth, these clinics inject liquid silicone, which is deemed exceedingly harmful and unhealthy by the FDA.

Silicone oil is a much cheaper injectable than FDA-approved dermal fillers. We suspect comparatively high profit margins is too tempting for some medical professionals.

It appears this procedure is most commonly referred to as a “minimally invasive, permanent” penile thickening technique for use in the penile shaft, glans, and scrotum.

As we’ve heard from patients, it’s most commonly described as a:

“Collagen layering activation filler material, positioned directly below the penile epidermis. Following insertion of the material, the body will be prompted to generate collagen. This collagen is permanent and natural.”

According to patient reporting in our clinic, patients had no idea a silicone concoction was used as the active agent with these procedures and claim no one educated or cautioned about the hazards associated with injection of liquid silicone into their body.

Our experiences with correcting such situations frequently involve post-surgical removal of as much of the injected silicone material that can be retrieved.

We also uncovered there was a lack of significant collagen in the penile shaft.

We have identified significant amounts of liquid silicone in the designated areas, widespread necrotic tissue negatively impacted by the silicone, and compromised lymphatic drainage systems, which may ultimately result in chronic swelling and autoimmune problems.

Most recently, we treated two patients where the same concoction was described as “CMC” (Carboxymethylcellulose), but when the injected agent was removed and tested, we found it to essentially be the same silicone mixture we encountered in the previous devastating cases.

Kegel Exercises

closeup of a medical professional positioning a man's legs as he lies on a table showing him how to perform male pelvic floor strengthening exercises

Known for enhancing the muscles of the pelvic floor, Kegel exercises can also improve sexual function. Firmer erections and maybe a sense of increased girth might result from these activities, which enhance blood flow to the genital area.

Ways to Increase Girth Size Naturally

Your entire body, including your sexual function, can benefit from leading a healthy lifestyle. A well-balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps increase blood flow throughout the body, which may result in fuller-looking and harder erections.

Frequent exercise is also important because it can elevate your circulation which is essential to achieving high quality erections.


Even while some pills claim to be girth enhancers, there is little scientific proof of their efficacy. They might even be harmful to your health in certain situations.

Before taking any supplements, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor, particularly if you have any underlying medical issues.

various herbal supplements for girth enhancement brightly lit in front of a potted plant and greenery
Warning: Avoid the “Penis Enlargement Pills” Scam

Male enhancement con artists recruit victims through online adverts on websites that make men feel anxious about their penile size and promise that some pill will miraculously heal their issues and attract single women to them.

A common plot topic is a secret extract that only an unknown tribe has utilized for ages, or how ladies only want men with a penis that is at least eight inches long. Neither of these stories or statements is true.

Getting detailed blood testing at a board-certified urology clinic will reveal any deficiencies within your internal biologic sexual performance dynamics, and your doctor can advise and prescribe supplements that will actually make a difference in your case.

Every Safe & Effective Girth Enhancement Option in One Place

Every man’s combination of existing fat pad, tissue surrounding and within the penile region, existing endowment, and increased size goals are unique. Thus, there will never be a “one size fits all” with penile augmentation.

They key priorities for each case include:

  • Safety and Effectiveness: As we discussed with warnings following various options, there are a number of various unsafe procedures in the clinical marketplace. If you’re unsure what’s safe and effective, we recommend you visit the “Consumer Reports” of penile enhancement at the PhalloBoards and read and talk to others who aren’t getting paid to try and pitch a particular version.
  • Results That Look Natural: Cannula-free injections of Hyaluronic acid performed by a board-certified urologist usually provide the safest and most natural enhancement available. If you love it, you can switch to PMMA injections with a skilled provider.
  • Minimally Invasive: Non-surgical solutions are faster and less invasive alternative to surgery. Because of the short recovery period, patients can quickly return to their regular activities following treatments.

Gaining Girth from Surgery

closeup of fat and fluids collected by liposuction for penile girth enlargement surgery

There are a variety of permanent penile thickening options that involve outpatient surgery. Here we’ll review the most popular

  • Silicone Sleeves: Originally utilized to expand girth, silicone sleeve implants have become less popular because of the risk of infection and the dramatic loss of penis size if the implant is subsequently removed because of infection or patient dissatisfaction or discomfort.
  • Penile Implants: Penile implants were invented as a therapeutic solution for men with severe erectile dysfunction. Although they do give men who haven’t functioned in years the illusion of a “larger” penis, they aren’t actually an option for penile enlargement. In fact, after receiving a prosthetic implant, men who were able to achieve erections with PGE injections before the procedure typically complain of decreased size.
  • Fat Tissue Transplant: Initially, fat grafts frequently proved unsuccessful, leading to irregularities and/or reabsorption. With the recent FDA-approved fat filtration technology and increased surgical expertise, fat transfer techniques (FTT) have established themselves as the gold standard for permanent penile thickness enhancement in suitable candidates. That final proviso is essential for success, as only specific individuals are suited for a modern FTT. Men unlikely to succeed with this surgery include those over the age of 62, individuals with an enlarged suprapubic fat pad, those with specific previous health issues, men lacking sufficient adipose fat cells for transplantation, and smokers of cigarettes or cannabis. In addition to providing a safe and substantial secure outcome, FTTs are remarkable since one can augment even more thickness through an additional FTT treatment or get a tailored thickness utilizing Bellafill PMMA coatings, without the risk of inducing granuloma.
  • Phalloplasty: A phalloplasty is a reconstructive urological procedure performed after penile injuries or botched penile augmentation. Although sometimes referenced in the context of penile enhancement methods, it is, in fact, a tailored restorative process.
  • Dermal Grafts: A dermal graft is just what it sounds like. Either by degloving the penis and putting the graft underneath the outer dermis, or by suturing the graft to the outer layer, a layer of dermis (skin) is transferred to the penis shaft. This outcome makes the penis thicker. The drawback of dermal grafts is that they are a one-shot procedure. You can’t go back and add extra thickness later; you can only add one layer at a time. After ten to fifteen years, man-made dermal grafts have also been known to deform in shape relative to the human dermis, producing an ugly result that needs to be repaired.

What men shouldn’t get girth enhancement?

closeup of man's torso against blue background as he measures his large stomach with a soft measuring tape

Certain males are unsuitable for penile thickening operations. Men with an enlarged suprapubic fat pad may experience a reduction in penile length after any thickening procedure. The fat pad must be addressed before surgical or non-surgical girth enhancement.

Men with a micropenis (defined as those measuring under 3 inches when erect) are not ideally suited for girth enhancement, as additional thickness may create the illusion of a reduced overall size. These individuals should initially investigate penile lengthening methods before considering girth options.

Cigarette, nicotine, and regular cannabis users, together with men possessing specific health issues, are unsuitable candidates for surgical enhancements due to contraindications with anesthesia and impaired healing, which may undermine the size augmentation from the treatment.

Increase Your Girth Size

Urologic surgeons Steven L. Morganstern, MD, and Kenneth J. Carney, MD, PharmD, FACS at Rejuvall offer a selection of 33 distinct treatments to deliver optimal safe and successful surgical and non-surgical penile augmentation solutions tailored to each patient.

This analysis of prevalent girth enhancement methods aims to clarify the available options and underscore the need of prioritizing overall sexual health.

Consult a qualified healthcare professional if you have particular concerns about girth or any other aspect of your sexual health, including erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or penile length enhancement.

At Rejuvall, our objective is to assist and attentively respond to your needs as you seek a fulfilling sexual life, while offering a tailored approach.

Picture of Dr. Steven L. Morganstern, M.D.

Dr. Steven L. Morganstern, M.D.

Dr. Morganstern is an internationally acclaimed, board-certified urologist, surgeon, and best-selling author specializing in men’s sexual health. A pioneer in erectile dysfunction therapeutics, Dr. Morganstern was the only private clinician selected for the original Viagra trials and has spent over four decades advancing treatments in ED, cosmetic urology, hormone replacement, and prostate health.

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