Narrowing in on which LifeSize procedure is best suited for you

Which LifeSize procedure is best suited to improve your life?

That’s dependent upon a variety of variables.

Here we provide tips where you can medically evaluate your case and determine your best options for improving your appearance and penile length.

There are a few key determining factors for each LifeSize procedure, including:

  • Size of the suprapubic fat pad
    Size of the lower stomach
  • Compacted stomach evaluation
    Amount of visible penile length when completely flaccid
  • Amount of shaft skin visible when fully erect
  • Your BMI

In the following sections, we’ll walk you through key factors in helping determine how to successfully resolve you case.

Stomach Type

Stomach type is a general indicator of which enhancement procedure would be suited for your case.

We suggest standing sideways in front of a mirror, taking a photo with your phone, and comparing results with the examples shown below.

Flaccid Penile Visibility Evaluation

The amount of visible flaccid penis length significantly impacts which procedure is best suited for your case. You’ll want to identify which of the LifeSize cases discussed in the previous section most resemble your flaccid penis size. Lots of the men we treat are somewhere between these core pillars of our LifeSize lineup. If that’s the case in your evaluation? Don’t worry. We’ll narrow down on the appropriate solution once we visit directly.

In summary:

1.   Reduced Penis = More than 75% of flaccid size is visible
2.   Partial Penis = Between 40%-74% of your flaccid length can be seen
3.   Turtled Penis = Only about an inch of your penis shaft can be seen when non-erect
4.   Buried Penis = Only glans (head) of penis is visible when flaccid
5.   Trapped Penis = No portion of penis is visible when flaccid

Erect Penile Shaft Skin Evaluation
This is perhaps the most important evaluation for a LifeSize procedure. When the penis remains engulfed by an engorged suprapubic fat pad for an extended period, the body begins to reabsorb the penile shaft skin. Translation? Even if we remove the surrounding fat and extend the penis, it can still end up being Micropenis length because of inadequate penile shaft. The solution to this problem is a very extensive and expensive hospital procedure that is outside the realm of our platform.
For us, the most depressing cases in this regard are younger males whose fat pads have been enlarged since puberty and we discover the shaft skin is mostly reabsorbed into the body, leaving only an expensive hospital solution that’s beyond their financial realm.
Since every guy varies genetically regarding his natural penile length, we can’t define what’s needed in inches.
We usually want you to have more than 75% of your pre-weight gain erect penile shaft skin visible.

A BMI that's Over 40

If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is over “40”, that means you’re over the line for our standard, affordable outpatient enlargement procedures.

BMI is calculated from a person’s weight in pounds divided by the square of height in feet. The exact formula is BMI = lbs. /ft2 where a person’s weight in and ft2 is their height in feet squared. More simply, you can use this automated BMI calculator at the National Institute of Health’s website.

Elevated BMI and affordable male enlargements
An elevated BMI can indicate a high degree of body fat. If you are an athlete or body builder, please let me know this via email, as those situations skew traditional BMI calculations. In select cases, we can perform a customized suprapubic fat pad reduction, stomach contouring and penile lengthening (or a reconstructive urology procedure if the inner connecting penile tissue has separated from the body) on men with a BMI between 40 and 45, but those procedures cost more and must be calculated based upon an in-office consultation with Dr. Carney.
Men with a BMI of 45 and above will most definitely have to lose weight before they can explore any type of affordable correctional procedure for the lower abdomen or penis.
How BMI affects male enhancement options
Your BMI has a big impact on which male enhancement procedure will work for your case.
Slender Men: Men with a BMI of 29 are usually candidates for all penile lengthening procedures and injectable versions of penile thickening. Such men usually can’t receive a FTT (Fat Tissue Transplant) version for penile girth since they rarely have enough of the needed variety of adipose cells to harvest and help ensure success.
Moderate-Size Men: Patients with a BMI of between 30 and 35 usually have the widest number of enlargement procedure options available to them, including surgical length, surgical length and girth, surgical thickening, and all injectable girth procedures. Some of these men with a BMI between 34 and 35 will choose to get a small fat pad reduction in congruence with their enhancement procedure.
Large Men: Men with a BMI of 35–40 are often candidates for Rejuvall’s LifeSize procedures, which include surgical removal of the suprapubic fat pad, stomach contouring, and penile lengthening (or a reconstructive urology procedure if the inner connecting penile tissue has separated from the body). We cannot perform penile thickening on these patients at the same time as their contouring and lengthening, as the transplanted cells can’t receive the proper nutrients to survive as the body heals from such an extensive surgery. Thus, a thickening procedure will fail if performed congruently.
Larger Men: Men with a BMI over 40 must either lose enough weight to get their BMI down to close to 40 or schedule an in-office consultation with Dr. Carney (if their BMI is 40–45) for a discussion about their procedure options and related costs.
Rejuvall® is America’s leading clinic for men with an elevated BMI
Rejuvall® is the only clinic offering proven penile enhancement solutions for men with higher than average BMIs. Most patients describe their outcomes as “life-changing”.
While Dr. Carney runs the nation’s premier urologic fellowship for surgical repair of men with elevated BMI, those hospital procedures are cost prohibitive for most men (ranging from $40,000 to $100,000) even after all health insurance benefits are applied. This cost barrier is why Dr. Carney invented the Rejuvall LifeSize procedures so men could get more affordable buried and hidden penis repair.
A more detailed explanation regarding how varied men’s weight affects penis enlargement can be found in this section of our website.
Common Questions and Answers
How can I lose the necessary weight?
If you live in or around Atlanta, we provide weight loss services using semaglutide derivatives that’ve proven successful for lots of men. This program begins with a visit to our clinic in Buckhead and requires a monthly office visit to support the drug therapy until the patient hits their targeted weight / BMI. If Atlanta is not convenient, you might be able to find another clinic in your area.
Some men qualify for a gastric-bypass-type procedure that will be covered by their health insurance. This is another popular pathway for men with an elevated BMI.
I just want more penile thickness. Why can’t I just do that?
In almost every instance, if we attempt to add thickness to a man with a BMI of 35 or more, the result will almost always be a penis that’s notably shorter and unable to perform. Our clinic is renowned for “penis enlargement repair” procedures, and fixing this particular mistake is the most common repair we perform. Sadly, it costs much more to repair that mistake after the fact than to do it correctly the first time.
What if I get liposuction or a monsplasty?
Liposuction or a monsplasty can temporarily improve the appearance of the penis, but if your case also includes a separated dartos fascia (which occurs in 50% of patients), your body will begin to reabsorb your penis shaft skin, reversing the temporary benefits of your lipo or monsplasty and eventually making your case worse and you, smaller.
In addition, lipo procedures in this area are notorious for damaging the penile neurovascular bundle. When injured, the result is noticeable pain when erect. Destroy it? You’ll experience a loss of sensation or chronic penile discomfort, resulting in severe erectile dysfunction. Men over the age of 25 with a swollen suprapubic fat bulge will typically lose the visible benefits of liposuction due to sagging skin over the penis.
This mistake is the source of the second-most frequent repairs we perform each month at our surgical center.
What will happen if I do nothing?
What occurs if no action is taken?
Eventually, you will observe that your penis is shrinking even further. Repairing it then will necessitate a MAJOR hospital surgical procedure, nearly a month off of work, and a financial outlay of $40,000 to $100,000 (with insurance). Never mind about the enjoyment and fun you are missing out on in the meantime.

Other Key Metrics to Evaluate for LifeSize Procedures

Excess Stomach Evaluation
There are notably two areas of fat affecting certain LifeSize patients with penis length: the stomach, and the suprapubic fat pad. It’s the suprapubic fat pad that steadily wraps around and “hides” the penis. However, the size of the stomach also affects us being able to provide a successful outpatient procedure.

Compacted Stomach Fat Evaluation
What did your stomach sound like when you smacked it? If your stomach is large and sounded like a drum when you tap on it, it means your fat tissue is heavily compacted around your inner organs. You will need to lose some weight before you can get a LifeSize procedure. We can assist you with success in weight loss and advise on the amount of weight you’ll need to lose through a virtual evaluation of your photos with the surgeon.

Scrotal Fat Migration Evaluation
When we gain excessive weight, fat tissue often migrates into the scrotal sac to a point where we really can’t visually identify our testicles. We can most often still repair such a case outside of the hospital, but it adds another step to your procedure.

Penile Function Evaluation
You’ll want to consider your erection function before scheduling an enhancement. It’s not wise to put a brand-new paint job on a car that doesn’t run. Fortunately, we’re the nation’s premier erectile dysfunction clinic and can resolve those issues directly. You’ll want to resolve performance before getting enhanced.
Health & Lifestyle Evaluation
There’s two key health and lifestyle issues for these procedures and both relate to healing of your body after surgery.
First, you cannot smoke cigarettes. If you are a cigarette smoker, you will have to have completely quit for at least 90 days before your procedure. Second, if you’re diabetic, your A1C must be below 7 to have such extensive surgery. A higher number will hinder your recovery to a problematic level.

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