Evaluation of Your Weight Gain / Lost Penile Size Case
Want to know where you fit within Rejuvall’s LifeSize™ solutions spectrum?
You can usually self-diagnose your case and accurately determine which LifeSize™ procedure is best suited for you.

Stomach Type
Your stomach profile plays a role in which LifeSize™ procedure is best suited for your case. Looking at your profile in the bathroom mirror area, shoot a couple of quick cell phone photos and match up which side profile number matches best to your case.
It’s fine if you’re kind of “between” two illustrations. For example: you could indicate you’re a 5.5 or a 5.75.
Evaluation of Penis and Fat Tissue
The easiest way to perform these checks is with the help of your bathroom mirror with the camera on your cell phone.
Flaccid Penile Visibility Analysis
How much of your penis is visible when flaccid? It’s important to note this assessment is performed upon your flaccid penis size without first pulling on the penis or pushing down upon on the base of your fat pad. We need to examine the percentage of your penile shaft that’s engulfed by fat tissue all day, every day from extra weight. You’ll want to shoot a photograph looking directly at the mirror with all your lower section visible, then shoot a photograph looking down upon the penis. If you’re not able to see your penis while looking down because of your belly size, just guestimate the camera position and shoot the picture until you have a non-blurry “top view” of the flaccid shaft skin.
Finally, you’ll want an image of the underside of your penis. Just pull it up flat against your stomach and shoot both a direct and side view images of the area where your penis and scrotum intersect.
Erect Penile Shaft Skin Analysis
For erect evaluation, you’ll need similar photos as the one’s flaccid but with your penis fully aroused. For erect images, you want close up shots (taken about 12” from your penis) of each side of your penis and from the top looking down for a total of three photos.
In these photos, you should cheat and push down on the fat area above your penis when taking the photo. We want you to see how much shaft tissue you have available.
Stomach Analysis
We suggest taking a top looking down view, side views and seated view to get the best stomach evaluation.
Scrotal Fat Migration Analysis
You’ll need a close-up picture of your scrotum when seated and standing. Again, use the mirror and guess the camera angle until you get a quality image.
Penile Function Analysis
Is your penis performing as intended with erection? Have you acquired new curvature when engorged? Make note of any issues in this regard.
Health & Lifestyle Analysis
Do you smoke cigarettes?
Do you have Type II Diabetes? If so, you’ll need to get a recent A1C count.

The Five Categories of Weight-Affected Penis Size
If you’ve gained extra weight, you probably noticed some visible changes to your penis. It might have even triggered you to Google information about weight gain and lost penis size, which immediately makes you aware of urologic terms like “buried penis” and “trapped penis”.

Urologic vocabulary presently labels such cases as though all penises are equally affected by weight gain.
That’s not the case.
We organized five distinct classifications for how excess weight affects the penis depending upon the severity in terms of loss of flaccid penile length and the amount of visible shaft skin during an erection. These two circumstances are the key determinants regarding which LifeSize procedure will apply to the case.
There are variations within each category and lots of men fall between categories. We could expand our sampling to include over twenty different permutations if we included the distinctions among fat migration into the scrotal area plus stomach and supra pubic fat pad size variations. However, we manage most cases with our five-category model.
1. Reduced Penis
What is Reduced Penis?
A reduced penis is defined as a penis that’s reduced in visible size from either a large supra pubic fat pad or excess skin at the base of the penis. Most (75% +) of the penis is still visible but the engorged area / skin above the penis creates the illusion of a shorter phallus. It’s important to note that a man can have little or no extra body weight whatsoever and suffer effects from reduced penis. Some men are genetically predisposed to an oversized mons pubis or excess skin at the base of the phallus.
A lot of men within the Pop Culture “Dad body” category suffer effects of reduced penis.

Negative Side Effects of Reduced Penis
The negative side effects of a reduced penis are twofold. First, the engorged supra pubic fat pad or extra base skin makes the penis visually appear smaller to yourself and those who see you naked. Secondly, as with all situations of an enlarged mons pubis, it hinders your penetration depth during sexual intercourse thereby making you shorter when it comes to performance.

Rejuvall’s Solutions for Reduced Penis
We provide two different pathways to resolve cases of reduced penis depending upon the exact diagnosis.
If the case is rooted from excess skin in the upper scrotum clouding the penile length, we often perform a Foundoplasty. With a Foundoplasty, the excess tissue in and around the base of the organ is surgically removed and part of that tissue is transplanted just beneath the base of the penis to assist with adding visible length. The result is a penis that appears notably longer than before.
When the lost length is strictly rooted in a mild suprapubic fat pad, we usually perform a “Plus” procedure that includes surgical excision of the fat pad and subsequent skin tightening. The PhalloCenter “Plus” procedure is aptly named since it can be combined with any of our surgical procedures including MegaMAXL 6:1™ lengthening, PermMAXL™ Length and girth surgery or a PERM™ thickening procedure.
Whereas more extensive weight related penile surgeries can’t get a girth procedure at the same time as other LifeSize enhancements due to the excessive edema triggered during recovery and its effect on the blood flow needed to ensure a Fat Tissue Transplant’s success, that’s not the case for men who qualify for a “Plus” procedure. They can get a surgical small fat pad reduction with any of our surgical length or width penile enhancement procedures.

1. Partial Penis
What is Partial Penis?
A partial penis is pretty much as the name implies: a partial portion of the penis is suppressed by excess fatty tissue built up around the base of the phallus. We define a partial penis as showing at least half of its full flaccid length.
Remember, this flaccid length is the naturally flaccid length. It does not include pushing at the base of the penis or pulling length with your hand before evaluating.

What are the Negative Side Effects of Partial Penis?
Partial penis is relatively common in today’s world. A partial penis designation means fat tissue has engulfed less than half of your visible flaccid penile length. A larger belly is often blocking your ability to look down and see your flaccid penis. The supra public fat pad is only moderately enlarged with fat, but the combination of elements tends to create a much visibly smaller penis than from times before the extra weight existed.
Rejuvall’s Solution for Partial Penis
Depending upon the exact case, we can sometimes perform a surgical Monsplasty to resolve the fat pad and contour some of the lower stomach, followed by another penile enlargement procedure afterwards, usually waiting about six months.
Our most popular procedure for Partial Penis is our MegaContour™. The MegaContour™ combines a monsplasty (surgical reduction of lower fat pad and skin tightening) with our MegaMAXL penile lengthening into a singular procedure. Additionally, we mildly contour the lower stomach and fat pad area into a more visually appealing appearance.
The MegaContour™ is one of our most popular procedures.

1. Turtled Penis
What is Turtled Penis?
We define a Turtled Penis as being when about one inch of the penis shaft is visible when flaccid. A turtled penis is akin to the head of a turtle sticking out from its shell.
A turtled penis diagnosis is increasingly common in today’s world and can usually be completely resolved with one of outpatient LifeSize out-patient surgical pathways.

What are the Negative Side Effects of Turtled Penis?
A turtled penis significantly hampers fulfillment during intimacy. Additionally, its impact on flaccid size often triggers a desire to rush to add a towel over the lower portion of the body just after exiting a shower. Lots of patients with turtled penis mention a decline in self-confidence and decreased self-image with this diagnosis.
Rejuvall’s Solution for Turtled Penis
Most turtled penis cases can be corrected with our MegaContour PLUS procedure, which includes a correction of the large “V” between the enlarged fat pad and oversized lower stomach. More significant cases where the fat has migrated into the scrotum sac require our SuperMEGA.
Generally, we steer clear of liposuction combined with any form of penis enlargement because of the significant amount of edema (excess fluid) it almost always triggers. Excess edema is a key source of failure for any penis enlargement.
Optionally, we can sometimes break the enhancement into two-three separate procedures where there’s liposuction and/or surgical fat reduction followed by a penile enhancement procedure. Most phased, multi-step enlargements require a six-month interval between each procedure.

1. Buried Penis
What is Buried Penis?
Buried Penis is defined as a penis where only the glans (head of the penis) is visible when completely flaccid. Depending upon the exact case, we can often succeed resolving the issue with outpatient surgery(s).

What are the Negative Side Effects of Buried Penis?
Men with buried penis usually must push down upon the base of the penis just to safely urinate. Even when doing so some still suffer the side effect of having urine irritate the sensitive skin around the phallus, sometime triggering infection issues.
Buried penis makes intercourse sometimes impossible and far less fulfilling. Some buried penis patients suffer significant depression because of their condition.
Rejuvall’s Solution for Buried Penis
We can usually resolve about 50% of submitted cases with a buried penis diagnosis through our single procedure SuperMEGA enlargement and contour procedure. Our SuperMEGA procedure includes surgical extraction of fat tissue that’s migrated into the scrotum. If the scrotum remains filled with fat it will hinder the effect of a lengthening procedure.

Another 25% of buried penis cases can be resolved on an outpatient basis but must be broken up into separate procedures as multiple steps. Additionally, the patient sometimes must sometimes get invested in their recovery through targeted weight loss before a LifeSize procedure.
Fixing buried penis sometimes involves a two-step process, beginning with targeted liposuction. Then, after the patient’s body is fully recovered from surgery, we perform either a SuperMega™ or MegaContour™ to finalize residual fat elimination, lengthen the penis, and surgically tighten all the skin in the lower stomach and around the penis.

The final 25% of cases we can’t resolve with one of our affordable out-patient options are those where the body has already reabsorbed a measurable portion of the penile shaft skin. Absorption of the skin along the penis shaft is the biggest risk from obesity regarding men’s sexual health.
In such cases, even if we removed all the fatty tissue around the penis and performed a lengthening procedure, the amount of available size is still only one to three inches. Men with this diagnosis must consider a hospital procedure that includes transplanting new penile shaft skin from a donor site from their body.

1. Trapped / Hidden Penis
What is Trapped Penis?
Trapped penis is one of the most devastating diagnosis from weight gain a man can experience.
With a trapped penis, all the penis organ, including the glans (head) are completely engulfed by migrated suprapubic fat tissue.
No portion of the penis is visible when flaccid.

What are the Negative Side Effects of Trapped Penis?
Trapped penis makes it challenging to urinate and often results in acidic urination fluids remaining on the sensitive scrotal tissue, thereby triggering irritation and infection. In more severe cases, the patient must use a catheter simply to expel bodily fluids, which is nearly impossible to do without help from another person.
Fixing trapped penis requires an extensive surgical procedure in the hospital. Many patients with trapped penis must first get a form of gastric bypass to assist with weight loss and fully recover before penile reconstruction. During this procedure, the surrounding tissue and fat must be excised, and a new penile shaft must be harvested from the inner thigh and transplanted to the penis organ. The belly button also must be moved to an appropriate new position.

Health insurance will often cover some version of gastric bypass to assist with weight loss and it also helps with surgical penile reconstruction. However, out of pocket expenses with restoring the penis often exceed $70,000 because of the prolonged hospital stay required.
Rejuvall’s Solution for Trapped Penis
We are not able perform out-procedures procedures for men with a trapped penis diagnosis. All our procedures are out-patient. However, we can evaluate your case and advise you about a specialist nearest to you.
Before retiring from the University and joining our clinic full time, our surgeon was recognized as the leading practitioner to resolve trapped penis cases in the world.