Discover the very best surgical and non-surgical penis enlargement procedures
We provide more paths to a bigger you than all our competitors combined
LifeSize Pricing
Penile Enlargement Costs and Price List
Rejuvall®LifeSize™ Penile Enhancements
PLUS-SIZED MEN SUFFER FROM REDUCED PENIS SIZE because engorged supra pubic fat pad and blubbery tissue above and around the scrotum cause the penis to become partially or fully “hidden” when flaccid and during erection. Additionally, this extra padding hinders the ability to achieve optimal vaginal penetration depth.
Penis enlargement for Rejuvall’s LifeSize™ patients requires customized procedures that include select body contouring in congruence with penile enhancement. Sometimes such contouring is performed congruently with a penis enlargement. In other cases, those procedures must be performed separately. Our most severe cases are referred for hospital care because they require more extensive expertise and recovery than we are set up for at our out-patient facilities.
Rejuvall Penile Enlargements for Plus-Size Men
Rejuvall’s LifeSize™ Procedures
A downside of gaining extra weight is it can make the penis appear smaller, sometimes significantly. The lost phallus size typically occurs from two sources.
First, the enlarged supra pubic fat pad and blubbery tissue above and around the base of the penis can cause the penis to become partially or fully “hidden” when flaccid and during erection. Additionally, this extra padding hinders the ability to achieve optimal penetration depth.
Second, excess fat in the lower stomach puts pressure from above on the area where the inner penile organ tissue is tethered to the pelvic bone and subsequently pulls the penile length inward.
As one of the few urologists in the world who completed medical residency in both plastic surgery and urology, our LifeSize surgeon is renowned for tackling the world’s most challenging cases of penile plastic surgery following extreme obesity. He modified those 11-hour surgical marathons into simpler out-patient procedures for men packing moderate excess weight.
The result is five unique LifeSize™ procedure pathways that surgically reduce an engorged fat pad, contour the stomach to the smaller supra pubic area plus include maximum penile lengthening – all in a singular procedure, in most cases.
These procedures can be life altering and are rapidly becoming the busiest aspect of our penile enhancement platform.
Rejuvall’s LifeSize™ Procedures
The Rejuvall MegaContour™
Surgical fat pad reduction, stomach contouring, plus 6:1 penile lengthening
If you’ve gained extra length and lost visual penis size, Rejuvall’s MegaContour might be your dream come true. It’s a mind boggling seven unique procedures in a singular operation that includes surgical removal of the supra pubic fat pad above base of penis and subsequent tightening of the skin, contouring of the lower belly to the new smaller fat pad plus our renowned 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.
Combines surgical belly reduction and fat pad skin tightening plus a 1”+ lengthening procedure
• Surgical
• Permanent
Price: $13,800 (Seven procedures within a single operation)
Rejuvall’s LipOMAXL™ Procedure
Liposuction of engorged fat pad above penis plus 6:1 penile lengthening
The six procedure-in-one Rejuvall® LipOMAXL™ is a customized procedure sometimes prescribed when excess stomach fat is proportionately larger than the suprapubic fat pad. Includes liposuction of the lower belly and fat pad plus our 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.
Brings penis “out” up to 2” and improves penetration
• Surgical
• Permanent
Price: $12,900 (Six procedures within a single operation)
Rejuvall’s MegaContour PLUS™ Procedure
Surgical reduction of fat pad, stomach plus penile lengthening
The MegaContour PLUS procedure is identical to a seven-procedure MegaContour but includes an extra step to smooth the stomach line on MegaContour PLUS where there’s a pronounced “V” between the engorged fat pad and lower stomach.
Includes surgical removal of the supra pubic fat pad above base of penis and subsequent tightening of the skin, stomach contouring, plus Rejuvall’s 6:1 penile lengthening procedure
Substantial improvement in visual penile length and penetration depth
• Surgical
• Permanent
Price: $15,400 (Eight procedures within a single operation)
Rejuvall’s SuperMEGA™ Contour Procedure
The ultimate out-patient procedure for men suffering from engorged supra pubic pads or buried penis.
Rejuvall’s SuperMEGA™ is the most extensive out-patient surgical procedure to address buried penis cases in the USA. The SUPERMEGA involves 10 unique procedures in a singular operation including surgical fat pad removal, lower stomach contouring, penile lengthening, and removal of fat that’s migrated to the scrotum area plus our 6:1 penile lengthening procedure.
Cases beyond the realm of the SuperMEGA either must be performed in the hospital or require the patient to first lose a substantial amount of weight.
Substantial change to penile appearance and length
• Surgical
• Permanent
Price: $16,800 10 unique procedures in a single operation
Rejuvall’s Custom MEGAContour™
The Custom MegaContour™ procedure is usually a patient’s last possibility for affordable penile health and size restoration before considering a more complex and expensive hospital procedure. Patient’s with a BMI of between 40 and 45 are candidates for a Custom MegaContour™.
All Custom MegaContour patients must first receive an in-office consultation with Dr. Carney to confirm they are an out-patient candidate and get a more exact price quote.
Price: $18,800-$24,800 depending upon estimates time and complexity. Custom MegaContour patients are usually expected to stay in the Atlanta area for about a week following their procedure for follow up appointments.